Sunday, December 4, 2011

Helpful Tools 2.Detox

One of the most important lessons I have learned regarding life in the modern world is the necessity to regularly detoxify my physical body. It is difficult to live life in an urban environment and to stay unaffected, even if you are eating healthy and taking good care of yourself.
My first encounter with a toxicity problem occurred when I was fifteen years old. I had severe stomach cramps for a year and a half. The pain was so bad that I would sometimes topple over. I could barely eat anything and when I did I developed painful hives. Dozens of medical tests revealed nothing. I had tubes and cameras invading my system for nothing. The doctor’s conclusion was that I was an overemotional teenager who just wanted attention. I was lucky enough that my parents knew that wasn't part of my behavioral vocabulary and took the pain seriously. After a year and a half, we ended up at a holistic practitioner, who used kinesiology as a diagnostic tool. She determined in my first session that I had severe mercury poisoning; the source was leaky fillings in my teeth. I got treated with homeopathic medications, had all of my fillings replaced and the pain went away.
Since then, I have had other circumstances where detoxification was necessary. To just start a detox-program on your own, however, can be counter productive.
Here are some reasons why:
1. If your elimination organs aren't strong enough, the released toxins will be reabsorbed into the system. The whole process is weakening with no results.
2. If you are detoxifying specific chemicals, parasites or metals different formulas are needed to safely and effectively promote the process.
3. The body might need to detoxify in different stages. So if the approach is too radical you might do more harm than good.

I have worked repeatedly with practitioners that use kinesiology. In the US, a lot of chiropractors do. Kinesiology is a form of muscle testing, that uses the body as a diagnostic tool and that has helped to point me in the right direction. Once I have the information, I proceed from there.
Keeping my body as clean as possible has given me the health and energy to support all other aspects of my life. I highly recommend it!

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