Sunday, December 4, 2011

Says Who?

When it comes to authority, there are those we blindly give our power to.
The other day, I had a lady at my house for a session. She was utterly distressed about a message she had received from a very famous intuitive. The message didn't resonate with her at all, but considering the source she felt confident that the predicted event would surely take place. This is not the first time this has happened. Many people give their power away to authorities of spiritual, religious, medical or other expertly nature. And that is how we end up following pathways that are not in alignment with our souls.
"I got married and had children, because that is what my parents and peers expected of me. It didn't feel right, but what can you do? I didn't want to be a disappointment."
"One has to drink alcohol at these kind of events. It would look weird if I didn't. I don't want to be ridiculed."
"I have this dream of traveling the world, but my spiritual advisor said no, so I won't go."
There are countless moments when we go against our instincts due to negativity from a source of authority.
My advice is the following:
Listen carefully to any counsel given. See if it resonates for you. If it doesn't, question the source. We are all human and nobody has all the answers. In the end, you have to trust your own intuition and allow it to override any external source.
Remember, this world is a big illusion, things and people aren't always what they appear to be. The 'devil' could appear in any form, and so could an 'angel'. Therefore discernment is absolutely necessary, when navigating the sometimes, treacherous waters of planet earth.

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