Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Art Of Self-Medicating

No, I am not talking about popping pills or using other drugs.  That would be easy short term and extremely sticky long term for souls that are in the business of personal evolution and karma clearing.
What I am talking about is using the world around you to balance yourself.
How do you do that?
Well, think of it this way everything has a frequency. Every song, every sport, every coffee shop, every book etc is unique in its energetic make-up.
Let's say you wake up very depressed, sad and you feel very ungrounded. After you’ve completed your mandatory 30-minute-pity-party and you have checked your gauges to make sure you are alert to any messages your system is sending you, what do you do?
You might consider scouting for the things in your environment that are uplifting and grounding. Dance, certain kinds of music, a walk in nature, a cup of tea with friends are all potential possibilities to harmonize your energy field.
If you are really angry, you could choose an activity like boxing, running, screaming in your car with heavy metal music blasting in order to safely release some steam. Personally, I refrain, as much as possible, from any action and activity that create more karmic entanglements, like taking out my anger on fellow travelers!
In the case of stress and tension meditation, yoga and relaxing music can go a long way.
You might also consider aromatherapy, flower essences, other form of workouts, movies and medicinal teas.
Often times we are stuck on auto-pilot, when we make our daily choices. We overlook many things that are readily available for self-medicating purposes.
Take a moment, breathe, and see what might support you today in your attempt to achieve a greater sense of peace and balance.

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