Sunday, October 13, 2013

How to Detect and Manage Energetic Soul Pain!

When you look at a person, you are dealing with a complexly interconnected system where you will find a lot more data than meets the eye.
To simplify the discussion, let’s break it down into the physical body, the emotional body, the mental body and the energetic body.
All the bodies interact with each other. When one gets hurt the others will most likely be effected, yet depending on the nature of the injury and the pain, it is not always easy to determine what is happening and what tools are needed to remedy the situation.

When your physical body is sick or gets hurt you have tangible proof for the severity of pain you are in and it is likely that your fellow travelers will show a fair amount of compassion and will offer their support in order for you to heal.
If you break your legs and you are in a wheelchair, no one will expect you to run a marathon with them.

If you go through a divorce, a death in the family or the loss of your job and you are grieving and heartbroken, you know why you are in pain and suffering. You have something to share with the world that explains your emotional and mental state and it is possible to get the necessary help and support to facilitate healing. If you don’t quite act like yourself for a while you will most likely be given the space and the understanding to regain your balance.

If you were drugged or had an allergic reaction to a bee sting and you are mentally out of it for a while, you are not going to be expected to finish the report, show up for the final or pick-up the kids from school. Again, it will be very evident that you are not in a position to do so.

In our current human circumstances, pain of the soul or energetic body isn’t as evident or equally recognized on a collective, social level, yet the suffering can be similarly debilitating.
Before I go into further details, let’s talk a bit more about the energetic body.

Imagine that you’re watching a cartoon. All the energies are visible in color. If somebody’s energetic body is healthy there is a bright, multicolored orb around their physical body, at least a couple feet in all directions. I call that a healthy energetic immune system.
Now, imagine that the immune system is compromised and that it has cracks. Through these cracks slimy, toxic energy creeps in and the system is thrown out of balance.
Since the whole human runs on electricity and energy, it is just a matter of time until the other bodies will exhibit symptoms.
The physical body might react with a migraine headache, the emotional body could feel depressed and the mental body, not quite comprehending what is happening can fall into an obsessive mantra of self-judgment.
“What’s wrong with you? It’s such a beautiful day, you have a great job, a family that loves you and all you do is complain. You have no reason to feel depressed. You should feel grateful. Why aren’t you happy? You’re a horrible person…and on and on and on.”

Does any of this sound familiar?

I encounter this a lot in sessions. People don’t give themselves credit for their energetic and/or soul pain. Our society isn’t equipped to support people on that level and so we not only run into our own internal judges but are also confronted with the impatience and harsh judgments of our environment.
Depending on how chronic and severe the pain is, insult is continuously added to injury and many years can go by, where we don’t even look for a cure because we are so convinced that there’s nothing wrong in the first place. If unaddressed, the symptoms and suffering tends to get more intense as time goes by.
The first step to take in order to break this vicious cycle is to acknowledge that you are indeed hurt and that you will set out on a quest to figure out what it is and what it’ll take to get yourself well.

Here are some indicators that you are suffering from energetic/soul pain:
1. Your emotional symptoms are not making any sense.
2. You don’t feel comfortable in your own skin.
3. No matter how much you clean, your environment seems dirty.
4. You experience reoccurring deep-seated emotions that are way disproportionate to the circumstances at hand.
5. You feel pressure in your head at odd moments.
6. You have physical, phantom symptoms, yet all of your medical tests show that your physical body is completely healthy.
7. You are suffering from debilitating nightmares that are not connected to any real life drama
8. You have strong knee jerk reactions in your behavior and you feel really guilty for it because you are not able to show up as the person you know you can be.

These are just some of many indicators that your soul body primarily fuels the source of the disturbance.

If that is the case, my advice is the following:
1. Have compassion with self and others and know that indeed something is amiss and the source of the disturbance can be fixed and healed.
2. There are two main reasons the energetic body hurts:
a) There is an unresolved past life trauma.
b) The energetic body has to deal with an invasion of disharmonious energies.
3. Find modalities that assist you in energy clearing i.e. Tai Chi, certain forms of meditation, chanting, smudging, use the “Clearing Protocol” (other post in my blog), Kundalini Yoga to name a few or find yourself a skilled practitioner to assist you.
Determine what compromised your protection so that you can fix long-standing imbalances and strengthen your energetic immune system.
4. Consider exploring your karmic history via hypnosis, your own intuition or a skilled practitioner. Understanding what you are dealing with is half the battle towards healing it.

Even though energetic pain isn’t a mainstream term yet, we still have to deal with it.
As old souls, it is sometimes the only surface indicator that we have karmic homework to do.
It is time for you to show up for you and to be on your own team. 
Remember, at the end of the day everything about you makes sense. Part of the journey is to put the pieces back together like a highly sophisticated detective story.