Monday, July 15, 2013

Become An Expert In Untangling Energetic Knots

Many times, we get stuck on the surface layers of an issue. The details of a situation can push anyone who is an obsessive problem solver over the edge.

You might find yourself running through a conversation a million times and wonder:
I don’t understand why she yelled at me! All I said was, I will pick up the ice cream.
Why would anyone do that? They never even called to apologize.
I did say, I was sorry for forgetting their birthday, I wouldn’t hold a grudge if I was in their shoes.

A lot of situations that don’t make sense on the surface are more complex than meet the eye.
If you or someone in your life seems to have overacted and you have spent a fair amount of time unsuccessfully trying to figure it out, it is safe to say that you are dealing with a multi-faceted issue.

Here is a visual:
Picture a tight knot created out of five different colored strings. In order to untangle it you have to follow the pathway of each string and pull them away from each other in a matter that allows more space in between them. That is the only way to ultimately effectively separate them.

How does that work in practical application?
When you are faced with yourself, a person or a situation in your life that doesn’t make sense, stop reacting! Give it some breathing room and meditate on it. Journal about it, discuss it with someone that you know has the capacity to be neutral and who tends to be a good investigator.

Here are some helpful investigative questions:
1. Are you or the other person under more stress than usual? (Divorce, death, change of job, financial troubles, etc.)

2. Are there any health issues to be taken into consideration?  (Low blood sugar, chronic pain, hormonal issues, etc. are just a few examples that might add extra tension to a situation)

3. Is there a prior conflict between the two of you that wasn’t resolved? (Long standing unaddressed issues, will explode sooner or later)

4. Have you and/or the other person changed a lot and the rules of engagement need to be revisited? (I.e. you have happily played the doormat and assistant in other people’s lives for many years. They have gotten used to you playing that part and won’t even question it. Your health issues have forced you to take better care of yourself therefore; you are no longer available for the usual suspects. You set firmer boundaries, they get mad, and you wonder what happened? All you said was that you couldn’t go out with them on Saturday night. If you don’t examine what happened you might see yourself slipping back into an old behavior pattern.)

5. If the same topic can provoke you to a boiling point over and over again, you might be dealing with an unresolved past life issue. (I.e. if your current partner can’t get it right, no matter how much effort they put into the relationship and you feel abandoned as soon as they have to put their attention somewhere else, there is a high possibility that you are dealing with a past trauma that can’t be resolved through the here and now. If this is a the case, I suggest past life therapy, energy clearings and the appropriate set of flower essences to support the internal healing of the issue at hand.)

6. Be open to any other questions or insights that come to mind when you re investigating the energetic knot at hand.

Life is complex and it takes willingness and creativity to get to the bottom of things.
Have some patience and invest the time in determining what it is you are really dealing with.
The good news is that every knot can get untangled and you might just find yourself capable of turning into an expert!