Monday, January 16, 2012

Modern Day Vampires- They Are After Your Energy, Not Your Blood!

The legend of vampires is ancient and many people might look at it as a myth. Yet there are many ancient myths that carry truth and concepts into our modern day world, vampires just being one of them.
If you look at the image of one being preying on another to survive, you can see that the idea of vampirism isn't too far fetched. The specific kind I want to address is the one that preys on your energy body.

A lot of the time, our modern day vampires are very charming, entertaining, they might be good listeners. On the flip side, the less pleasant version might be a bit more manipulative, provoking you to feel guilty or selfish, if you don't share the goods (your energy). And then there is the silent type; the person at the supermarket, or the party that takes your energy without you ever noticing their existence. Like a thief, as sneaky as a pick-pocked they walk off with part of your belongings.

The way you will know that you got robbed is usually an inexplicable sudden dip in your energy. You were fine walking into the meeting and two hours later you are utterly exhausted, even though you had a pleasant time.
At some point, you might feel burdened by a relationship but the other person has always been so nice to you, that it makes you feel guilty even admitting it to yourself.
Some people respond with anger towards energetic vampires. (Also read post 'The Gauges') You might look like you are being difficult and unfair towards that person, but really listen to the message the anger or annoyance is communicating to you.

The good news is that:
a) you can get your energy back, if you notice that it got stolen and
b)you can work on your energetic protection so that vampires can't plug into your field.

How do you do that?
By asking for it. You may or may not be aware that the divine forces are only allowed to intervene, if we ask for help, unless it is an emergency.
As soon as you realize that some of your energy has been stolen, you ask for it back.

Who do you ask?
You put out your request/prayer to Divine Source/God and any Angel or Master you are working with and you ask for all of your truthful energy to be returned to you in all time and all space healed, transformed and purified (you don't want your laundry back dirty, do you? Who knows where it has been!)
The same way you would request protection in all time and all space. I usually visualize a bubble of white light around me where and vampire will get zapped, if they try to steal anything (why not teach a little lesson, while we are at it?).

Two pointers:
1. If you get robbed of energy even though you had your protection in place, ask yourself where your crack was. Usually you will find yourself having some pity, guilt or anger towards that person who undermined your result not to feed them anymore.
2. Have compassion for the vampires. Even though their actions towards you aren't very nice, remember that the soul's that choose to steal from others, usually feel very depleted and have lost their own connection to Divine Life Force, therefore feeling like they have to take from others. After protecting myself and getting my own energies back, I usually pray for their healing so they might put their vampire ways to rest.

Don't Assume!

The modern world can be confusing. New mediums of communication are popping up every other day and the etiquettes of conduct have turned into a big guessing game at best.
 Is it best to text, email, 'face-book', call or twitter my news? When is it the right time to propose marriage? Do I need to write a thank-you note? What does this gift mean and do I need to send a similar priced item in return?
How many days should I wait before I respond, I don't want to seem too available?
These and many questions like it are being asked every day, because the rules of engagement aren't as clearly defined as they used to be.
On the other side people are wondering:
If he texts me instead of calls, does this mean he is not that interested?
My friends didn't comment on my news on Facebook, maybe they don't like me anymore.
I got a thank you email instead of a card; I'll scratch them of my list for the next holiday season.
It has been interesting for me to observe how many people assume that others are operating under the same rules of conduct as themselves and therefore read into the chosen avenue of communication. The drama and misunderstandings that grow out of it are phenomenal in proportion.

Here are a few real life examples:
1. A woman came to a session distressed that her boyfriend hadn't proposed yet after three years of dating. My intuitive hit was that he was waiting until he had finished school, because he felt like it was the duty of the husband to financially provide for his wife.
She was working and didn't care about that aspect of their relationship. She assumed that inside a modern relationship money matters should be equally distributed and she was astonished by my suggestion. I sent her home to discuss matters with him and to ask him what he thought about marriage and engagement. It turned out that my intuition was accurate. Both of them had assumed that the other party carried the same social outlook as themselves. The communication cleared things up and they did get engaged shortly after.
What do we learn from this?
In case of doubt, talk about it.

2. Another woman related the following situation to me.
The lack of smiley faces offended one of her very good friends during their texting and email exchanges. I must have given her a puzzled look, for she continued to explain:
"You know the  ':' + ')'."
I thought to myself:
"Oh, that is what that means, I thought I had slept through that portion of grammar class and could never quite figure out why people used these symbols after '?' or '!'."
(I apologize to anyone who didn't receive smiley faces from me! I swear I didn't know.
Please have mercy!)
So be aware that not everybody might be caught up on all the gadgets yet, before taking things personally.

3. Another person arrived at the session infuriated that her friends emailed her instead of called. She was under the impression that the new technology was destroying human relations. I can understand her point of view, yet if you look at the old days it is still a lot more efficient than smoke signals, or letters that might never make it.
 When people are busy emails or a text messages are a lot more convenient. I know that I prefer it at the end of a long day, instead of playing phone tag. Trust me, there is nothing personal behind that choice.
For your personal relationships it is smart to set up rules of conduct that make sense and feel good to all parties involved.

But remember in this day and age it is not wise to assume!

Enchantments And Curses Now And Then

 Enchantments and curses sound like something from a fairytale, the Middle-Ages, or maybe Ancient Egypt. They sound like some make believe ancient concept, but they are alive and well. Really? Yes, and more accessible than ever. You can buy spell kits online, you can also get them at your local Barnes and Nobles, unless they are sold out (and these days, they very well could be).
But before you rush off to take revenge on your enemies or make the person of your dreams fall in love with you, please finish reading this post. Afterwards, go back to free will and I feel confident that you will make the perfect, well-informed choice for yourself.

First of all, let's examine how curses and enchantments work.
Every person has an energy field around them that attracts people, situations and opportunities to them according to their karma and desires. However, things need to energetically resonate for people to fall in love or for deals to go through. A curse artificially alters the magnetic field around a person, and through this alteration has the power to change that person's reality. At times the curse changes all aspects of life, at other times it specifies one or two areas, like money or power. We can have the destructive curse, which will make a person lose their good health, business or a love relationship. 

An enchantment, on the other hand, will artificially change the karmic code that draws energy, people, and situations your way that you don't qualify for. So the person of your dreams might fall in love with you, because of it, but they don't really love you. They have fallen prey to false advertising and as soon as the enchantment is lifted, they will leave you and quite possibly hate you. Meanwhile, you would be aware during the relationship, that they are not present out of free choice.
You can draw power, money and fame your way and maybe even enjoy it for a lifetime or two, but there is a price to be paid sooner or later.

First of all, your own curse(s) will come back to you ten fold, not immediately, it could be five lifetimes later and all of a sudden you can't get a leg up. Every business deal you touch will fall through, no matter how hard you work, people might not trust you, and your soul mate might not recognize you.
Then there is the karmic credit card to be paid; all the damage done to other's lives is listed there. Your mother might hate you because you were the one that ruined her life five lifetimes ago. Your business partner swindles you out of money because you still owe him.
Other than the debt you collect, enchantments also postpone your spiritual homework, which could allow you to ultimately create the kind of reality you wish for without any strings attached.

I have seen a few cases where people that have traveled to South America returned with items purchased that had curses on them. You may ask why would they do it?
Because there is a lot of projection on the rich tourist exploiting the natives and that is their way of excercising power when economically they feel powerless.
When you are dealing with a new curse your life will feel like a sinkhole; where from one day to another everything might feel like it's falling apart.
Please find somebody qualified to clear the curse and remember it shouldn't cost a fortune to get it done.
My advice if you are indeed an ancient soul in the modern world:
Don't cast any new spells, you know better! And roll up your sleeves and clean up any past messes before they bite you in the butt!