Sunday, July 7, 2013

Don’t Despair! All Roads Lead Home, Eventually!

One sentiment that a lot of souls share as they wake up to their soul reality is a longing for HOME! It is the awareness that earth isn’t home and an aching in the heart that reminds us of where we came from. That desire can be so strong that many of us disassociate from our physical bodies and live primarily in our upper chakras during these periods.

 At times, we find ourselves judging earth reality more harshly than usual and there is a sense of impatience for this part of the journey to be completed.
It’s painful! You are homesick! I get it! I have lived in this place for many years myself.
Now, the good news is that we are all on our way home. No matter how long the journey is, how many twists and turns there are in the road or how often you want to give up because you just felt too exhausted to continue. You are still continually getting closer to that place where you will be reunited with your loved ones in a dimension that suits your soul perfectly. When exactly, I don’t know but eventually it will happen. The question is: how can you be a good sport until you get there?

I spent most of my teens and early twenties longingly gazing up at the stars with a deep knowing in my heart that home was somewhere out there. Even though, I was never suicidal, I wasn’t completely committed to life on planet earth either. I wasn’t respecting my physical body or space that well and experienced any aspects of earthly manifested reality as rather superficial.
Well, here is what happened that made me rethink my point of view and taught me a valuable lesson in “be careful what you wish for”.

It was during my first year in college, a friend of mine and I decided to spend a long weekend in January in New York City. We drove from Ohio in her car and had a great time talking, smoking, stopping for endless cups of coffee and felt like we owned the world. Other than the freezing cold, we had a fun weekend.
On the way back we were pretty tired and decided to spend the night in a motel.
When we woke up the next morning, it had snowed. The car wasn’t equipped for snow but my friend was in a hurry to make it home where her little son was waiting for her. We decided that even if it took many extra hours we would make our way back.  We crawled along the Interstate at about 15-25 miles an hour. It was still snowing and there were few other travelers on the road. Ten hours went by. We stopped for gas a couple of times and continued on our journey. It was now dark when we pulled back onto the freeway. All of a sudden, I was filled with a sense of unease.
As we drove, two street lamps went out right as we passed underneath them.
My first thought, we are going to die on this freeway tonight! (Now, for anyone who knows me, I am not the paranoid type at all. So, this thought was rather unusual to enter my mind.)
I saw my life flash before my eyes and I realized that I had evoked this moment through my strong desire to go HOME!

My friends, my family and all the things that I love about planet earth rushed to the forefront of my consciousness.
And with a jolt, I realized that I wasn’t done living my life. I started to pray with every fiber of my being to be spared on that snowy, January night somewhere in the middle of nowhere between Ohio and New York. Ten minutes later, a street lamp on the other side of the road turned on as we drove by. It was a brighter lamp than the two that went out. I continued to pray and thought to myself,  “something is going to happen but we will live.”

Ten minutes later, my friend who was driving screamed:
“Sh**, oh no!”
“What?” I asked
She doesn’t answer, but has her eyes are filled with horror fixed on the review mirror.
I turned around just in time to see two gigantic lights rushing towards us at high speed.
Next thing I know we are hit hard from behind. The back of the car caves in, we are spinning at high speed into the opposite lane. The semi-truck that hit us keeps going. We slam into the center divider. The impact on the slippery surface keeps us spinning until we finally come to a stop on the shoulder, mere inches away from a steep cliff.
We were both shaking, but miraculously okay. The car was totaled front back and sides were demolished. We couldn’t open the doors and had to wait for the rescue team to cut us out.
I repeated silent prayers of gratitude as I fully committed to life.
We suffered only from shock and severe whiplash.

I got back to campus and started to clean up my act immediately. I quit smoking, I started working out and I stopped whining. I took full responsibility for my life and have made the best out of every possible moment since.
It was humbling to have to be reminded, in such a drastic way, about how poorly I had been conducting myself.
I have to say that that  was one of the most profound experiences for me this time around.

So, if you feel homesick take a moment and look around you. Who and what would you miss if you were to leave today? What would you regret not doing at least one last time? There are many souls that you have come to love during your stay on planet earth that don’t call the same place home that you do? Enjoy them while you are here. There are so many things that are unique to this location that you owe it to yourself to pause and take inventory?
After doing that, are you really that much in a rush to depart for good?
Remember, HOME is ultimately where the heart is and our hearts are big and have the capacity to expand. The place you are longing for is your destination ultimately but maybe not today.
(And remember, there is this place in your heart where you can visit with HOME whenever you want. Go there in your meditation. It works like an Intergalactic version of SKYPE.)