Sunday, August 17, 2014

How to Use Movies for KSI Purposes?

KSI (Karmic Soul Investigation) techniques use our everyday day reactions to life situations as clues and patterns that can lead us to information regarding our soul’s history.
Movies are an excellent way to practice KSI from the comfort of your living room.

Here is how it works:
There are plenty of psychological studies that reveal that a large portion of our mind is subconscious. That means a lot of data concerning self is not readily available to your brain. It is, however, present. My personal experience is that under the right circumstances and with the right investigative techniques, many of us are able to discover hidden and forgotten memories through the use of external triggers. Subconscious information is brought to our awareness. All we have to do is pay attention, ask the right questions and learn how to connect the dots.
It is useful to observe self over longer periods of time to establish what indeed is a soul pattern. We all have more emotional days when a movie might get to us but that is easily explained through your surface circumstances. Soul data tends to be more intense and reoccur every time you are exposed to i.e.17th century Britain or China.

Movies have the power to expose us to a large range of frequencies. We can jump around the timeline and have all different kind of stories, characters, situations and endings available at the push of a button.
Now, think back in your own experience, I bet there are certain types of movies you LOVE watching, others you HATE, those that ALWAYS make you cry, the ones that fill you with tremendous hope, fear or joy and then there are those that are just a bit blah. Part of it certainly has to do with the quality of the movie; the other part has to do with you.

Here are some good KSI questions to ask yourself:
1. What movies make you most emotional? Our emotional bodies often respond to past life memories before our mental bodies do, therefore, it is important to pay attention to strong emotions like fear, grief, desperation, anger, joy, hope, etc.
Take your time and figure out if you can see a pattern either in regards to a country and time period or a specific theme/storyline like abandonment as a child, loss of a great love, guilt over betrayal, self-righteous anger towards a certain group of people etc.

2. What movies do you most love? What movies do you most dislike? 

3. Are there any movies that you could watch over and over again? What is it about this movie that you can’t get enough of?

4. Are there any characters in movies that you feel like are telling a part of your story? Who are they? What about them feels familiar to you?

5. Are there any characters in movies that you judge harshly? What about them specifically pushes your button? If you, in a past life, played that part or you were the victim of someone like that, can you forgive the events at this point in time?
If the answer is yes, do so. If it’s a no, ask yourself what might have been the lesson of such an event, looking at it from a soul educational point of view. What do you need in order to allow for something like this to heal in your timeline?

As always, feel free to add appropriate questions.
If you are an older soul that has started waking up, you know that there are things about you that do not make sense in the context of this lifetime.
Some emotions and old wounds run very deep and when they get triggered you might feel like a tsunami got unleashed, even though your outside reality might be pretty stable at the moment.

As I said earlier, movies are a great tool because we can be exposed to certain frequencies in minutes. Trust that what feels familiar holds valuable information for you. The same goes for certain types of music, aromas, artwork etc.
When we start tapping into past life memories and information regarding our soul history, we’ll always get a sense of recognition and familiarity. If something doesn’t resonate as truth, do not believe it at any cost. As you get to know yourself better, you will notice that things that didn’t make sense at first will keep repeating and finding you until you are ready face them.
Things that we have no resonance with will either not catch our interest or we will view it as neutral observers.
In the beginning of practicing KSI with movies really take the time to explore and observe yourself.

Don’t let your ego get in the way.
If something seems too glamorous but you want it to be your memory, I would use some caution.  Therefore, don’t attempt to place importance where there is none. That is your ego talking.  An authentic past life memory will be multi-facetted, just like your current life. It contains the highs as well as the lows of that experience and you will be able to relate to the struggles and pains as well as the love and joy.
Take a castle for example, the soul that has lived there, will not only remember the parties and the luxury but also the cold, damp castle walls in the winter, the loneliness and isolation, the intrigue and gossip, the boredom etc.

The main reason we do look back, in my opinion, is to help heal aspects of self that are still suffering until every part as self is properly reintegrated into the self NOW.
What I have noticed for myself, working with KSI for many years, is that movies that used to push my buttons in the past no longer do.
The storyline has been healed to where I am able to watch the movie as a neutral observer.
That is one of the many ways you can test if an issue has been healed.
For those of you that are already more intuitive, a movie might have the power to open the door to your past memories.

Play with the clues. That is how you will stay most fluid in your exploration. If we jump to conclusions too quickly, we run the risk of not being open to see the bigger picture.
Have fun and if you don’t feel like practicing KSI while watching movies, don’t!
It’s always a good time to exercise your free will….

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Are you Suffering from Delusional Dolphin Syndrome (DDS)?

What is Delusional Dolphin Syndrome, you may ask?

Well, picture a dolphin in his/her natural habitat, the ocean. Even if you are not a marine biologist, I am certain that you have a pretty good idea what dolphins do.
They swim, they play, they eat fish, they hang out with other dolphins, they jump out of the water and do flips etc.

Now, imagine one of the dolphins, the delusional dolphin, is dissatisfied with his “boring” life in the ocean and embarks on a journey to become “greater”. He looks down on his fellow dolphins for they seem content with their lot in life.
“I am better. I am greater and I will conquer the world.”

Next scene, we see our dolphin at the horse races. Before the races he eats some grass, ‘cause that’s the cool thing to do. He lines up in the starting box, the bell rings, the horses are off, and the dolphin is left behind.
“What’s wrong with me? I should be able to eat grass without a bellyache and run fast. I remember speed. I suck. My life is a failure.”

Next scene, the dolphin is hanging out with some squirrels in the park. They are sitting around chatting having a good time. The squirrels are friendly and welcoming but when it’s time to play and to chase each other around the tree tops, our dolphin feels lonely, isolated and less than.
“I am a nobody. I can’t even run up a tree. Who will ever love me? I am such a loser.
I am so disappointed in myself.”

You get the picture. If this were a book, we would hope our dolphin would find his way back home, a humbler, wiser, kinder and more grateful version of himself.
Life doesn’t always work out that way, especially not when you are human.
We tend to compare ourselves to other humans, and if we re not clear about our own gifts, talents and our true nature, it is easy to get lost.
We might set unrealistic goals for ourselves and continuously add insult to injury, every time that we seemingly fail.
Our society often, reflects an image of what success looks like and what one should do. If you happen to be someone that fits that pre-set mold, good for you!

If you are not and you are continuously feeling left out and left behind, it might be time to ask yourself:
“Am I suffering from Delusional Dolphin Syndrome?”
If the answer is yes, do yourself a favor and get a grip.
Dolphins are cool and there is a place for them and you somewhere in the world.
Once, you have admitted to yourself what that looks like (and it might not be considered “cool” in the public opinion) let go of unreasonable challenges for this lifetime and make your way back to the ocean to be with your friends.
As always, best wishes and many blessings for the journey.
Until next week….

Saturday, August 2, 2014

What is Your Relationship to Your Avatar?

If you’re already living a soul conscious life, you are aware of the fact that you are not your human body. I refer to the human body as the human avatar, the vessel that the soul rides around in while going through its three-dimensional earth experience.

As a soul looking in the mirror, you most likely will have an opinion about how you feel about your avatar. Since we change avatars each lifetime, we will all have avatars that we love and that we feel are a good reflection of our soul energy, as well as avatars that we don’t like and so-so ones.

Now remember, that this is a school and things aren’t always what they appear.
Any avatar, even a seemingly unfitting one, can serve an educational purpose and become a spiritual teacher.

I had the interesting experience this life to be racist against my avatar. My soul had made peace with every race on earth other than the Europeans.  As a kid, I didn’t have a concept of that yet. All I knew was that I didn’t like my skin color. I couldn’t wait to get a tan or dress up and wear make-up to play a gypsy or a Native-American.  I went through years of self-loathing and I didn’t treat my body with much consideration. It didn’t feel like me and I was going to do everything not to be in it.
As the years went by, I’ve been graced with insight, healing and wisdom that have led to a different attitude and has allowed me to embrace my avatar with compassion and love.  I remember the day I realized how much I loathed being German.

I was in college and I was very much looking forward to spending my summer on a Native American reservation. Culturally these felt like my people.
A group of friends and I arrived exhausted after a two day cross-country road trip.
We were tired but very excited. The girl in charge of our accommodations had assured us that our host families would be waiting for us.
When we got there, we were welcomed with cool suspicion. Nobody wanted to take us in. Sitting in the back of the jeep at a gas station figuring out what to do, my eyes met a group of Natives going to the store. In their eyes blatant hate. I don’t blame them. They saw the enemy. I wanted to shout. “Please see my truth, I am not one of them. I am one of you.”
I understood her disdain for me, because I felt the same way. One of my friends and I decided not to stay. We were too ashamed and embarrassed and we didn’t want to impose. We ended up spending the summer with her family in Cleveland, Ohio.

It was a painful lesson for I realized that I couldn’t escape my external reality. It took me many years to make peace with my avatar and my heritage, especially since post World War II Germany represented the bottom of the pile.  For me, it was bad enough to be European, but being German felt like an utter disgrace.
I have come to realize that this lesson was perfect. There was no better way for me to heal my remaining racist tendencies than to have been given the avatar that I have.
These days, I make it my own by letting my soul energy shine through and by taking extra good care of it. After all, it is my home on this planet this lifetime. It has also given me the gift to not judge another book by its cover but to be curious about the soul that resides inside the avatar. It’s freeing and I am grateful for the opportunity.

So back to my original question:
How is your relationship with your avatar?
If it is not that great yet, I hope that you’ll feel inspired to work on it.
After all, any avatar is like a mini-universe with all of its little cells and bio-chemical processes. It depends on you to take care of it and it is working hard for us every day.
If you don’t learn your lesson this lifetime, you might have to repeat it….
In case you are one of the lucky recipients of the perfect soul/avatar match. Congratulations!

Please have compassion for the rest of us.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Choose to Become a KSI Detective!

What’s a KSI (Karmic Soul Investigation) detective you might ask?

A KSI detective is someone who has decided to get to the bottom of his/her issues, someone who is tired of being a victim of fate, and someone who is awake enough as a soul to acknowledge that there is more to life that meets the eye.
A KSI detective is willing to pay attention to clues and to ask difficult questions.
A KSI detective is not going to jump to easy conclusions but has the patience to wait and to investigate until the case is solved.


We are more than the sum of our personality experiences. If you are reading this blog, you are most likely aware of your soul self. In many cases that soul self comes with unresolved trauma and karmic knots.
We all can continue to live our life from the place of our personalities. We can be disciplined, hard working and do all the “right” things and yet, this doesn’t guarantee success, health or happiness.

When you keep stumbling over and over again, it might be time to start asking the “right” question(s). And the million-dollar question(s) is (are):
“What is truly blocking me? What am I stumbling over? Am I voting “yes” on my own success? Where does the extreme fear/guilt/grief come from? Am I ready to face/heal/forgive?”

I like the analogy of being a detective. It adds a bit more practicality and scientific research to the mix than certain more esoteric approaches.
Personally, I like to have my spiritual practice integrated into every day life.
In meditation we learn to strengthen our observer selves. It’s the part of the conscience that like the neutral narrator can keep track of all aspects of self without judging them.
That narrator can easily be turned into the KSI detective.
“Interesting, what do we have here…looks like another clue. The emotional body is experiencing an anger tsunami every time X opens her/his mouth. Instead of reacting I will mediate on it because I do not wish to continue my karmic entanglements with X into the next ten future lives. So, let me see. What exactly is it that triggers me? Is it the neediness in the tone? Is it the fact that X always tries to boss me around? Do I feel responsible/helpless/entitled in regards to my relationship with X? Is this pattern only obvious with X or have I felt this before with other people that are similar to X?”
And just like that, a good KSI detective has opened his/her first case file.

If we don’t address deep-seated issues at the root, we will repeat them in one form or another, sooner or later.
We can use every day life to start collecting clues for the world continuously reflects us back to ourselves.
Therefore, some KSI detectives might derive some helpful clues from their acknowledgment of their road rage, or their anxiety towards public speaking, or their fear of drowning, or the fact that period movies playing in the early 1700 England always evoke a deep sense of heartbreak and loss.

Whatever it is, trust that the clues that stick out in your life are the road map to truly knowing yourself and your soul and to pave a way for deep soul healing.
Maybe it’s time for you to become a KSI detective this lifetime. If so, stay tuned for more helpful tools in future posts.

If not, enjoy the ride anyway…

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Welcome Back, Website and Intro to KSI (Karmic Soul Investigation)!

Hi Everyone!
I hope this finds you well and that you are enjoying your summer or winter if you are in the southern hemisphere.
It’s been a while (a few months to be precise) since my last post.
My creative juices have finally returned and I am hopeful to write on a weekly basis again. So welcome back to my blog and welcome back to my writer self (I’ve missed you)…
Many things have transpired in the last few months.

One of them…I was finally able to launch my website:

If you haven’t seen it yet, check it out!

It was a hard birth and I couldn’t have done it without help.
Many thanks go to Juan Rosenfeldt for designing it and his never-ending patience in the process. His amazing talent to build a brand visually, as well as, capture its authentic soul essence was priceless. Not to mention the countless hours of personal coaching (that it took for me to make a decision) and his love and support. (I couldn’t have done it without him!) I am eternally grateful…

Check out more of his great work at:

Also, thanks to Erica Schreiber for helping me find the words to give KSI a comprehensible structure and to make everything else sound that much better.

Her website is:

I am also extremely grateful to my sister Kay for believing in me, for being the best sister anyone could have and for being by my side every step of the way as we discovered and developed tools for KSI over the course of the last 20 years.

And of course, I am also grateful and in awe of the amazing mystery of the Great Divine Spirit without whom this whole adventure called life wouldn’t be happening in the first place.
From the bottom of my heart: THANK YOU!!!!

After years of working as a soul coach and being an inspired student of life continuously seeking new modalities for healing and personal evolution, I finally came up with a structure that serves as an umbrella for the work that I do- KSI (Karmic Soul Investigation).
If you are interested in the details, check out the KSI section of my website.
From now on, I will include KSI tips and tools as part of my blog posts.
They will stay in line with my brand promise, which is to offer practical tools for the ancient soul in the modern world.
It is good to be back! More to come soon!
All the best,

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Power in Facing the Truth and why it is Important to be Brutally Honest with Self!

There is a saying: Heal to become whole to be come holy!

Most of us are in the process of healing at this point in time.
After thousands (plus-plus-plus) of years of epic miles traveled, glory and mayhem, war and peace, love and loss, the time has come for the amnesia to lift and for our soul-selves to remember and to heal. In order to heal, we have to find the courage to face the truth as we gaze into the divine mirror of eternity and embark on the adventure of going deep within to remember who we really are.
And guess what, sometimes that just ain’t pretty.

Many ancient and old souls pride themselves in the memories of their glory days.
It’s easy to remember and integrate our favorite lifetimes.
The temples, the magic, the power, the pyramids and oh, how those crowds could cheer…next stop enlightenment.
And yes, you were beautiful and kind and the most popular person in your town.
And yes, you also were generous and a gifted healer and the voice of wisdom among your peers.
It is easy for many of us to twirl in the shininess and perfection of our favorite lifetimes, especially if we are not too amused with our present circumstances.

But whoawhoawhoa, not so fast! What about all those little seemingly unimportant pieces of the soul stuck somewhere in the timeline? What about all those painful losses, the time when you were so greedy that you were willing to walk over dead bodies in order to get what you want? And the time when you were too drunk to watch your toddler who ended up drowning in the river by your house? And then there is the trail of disappointed lovers whose heart you broke by walking away, cheating on them or making them pay for all of your unfulfilled dreams? And the pain you felt when your house burnt down and you watched helplessly as your whole family perished? And all the times you were abandoned and seemingly nobody wanted you? And the times you had to play second-class citizen and your back was aching so badly you could barley stand and your hands were bleeding and there was no end in sight to the misery?

Remember, you have to be whole in order to become holy. Making peace with your story and tying up loose ends is an important part of the process. It is not very glamorous, yet very necessary.
For many of us it is much easier to integrate all the bright and shiny aspects of ourselves but it is the parts that are still traumatized or/and feel guilty that will keep you from progressing on our journey.
At the end of the day, the truth is the truth, no matter what illusions you’d like to believe and hold onto. Sooner or later, it will have to be faced and if you indeed are an old soul, I reckon that it’s fair to say that it’s later. Unless of course, you are taking your time within the eternal NOW in which case you might as well skip this post for the time being.
Spiritual ego, move over! Courage, give me the strength to face myself!
As you walk through life your awareness will leak clues to indicate unresolved energetic issues. Pay attention!
If a specific pattern repeats over and over again, pay attention!
When you have a strong emotion to somebody or someone and you overreact, pay attention!

Here are some pointers and tools that I have found helpful in my own process and when I work with clients. As always, use your discernment and add on as needed:

1. Soul gaze with yourself in the mirror. Sit in front of a mirror and make intense eye contact with yourself. Take note, how do you feel about yourself? Can you send love, compassion, patience and forgiveness your way? At times, as you increase the duration of your soul gazing sessions, you might find that your face shifts and reflects distortion or the energetic haze of lifetimes you have lived (that could mean you get the brief impression of a different race, gender, facial features or time period). Once you reach a stage of having integrated and healed all aspects of self there will be stillness to your experience and the face will radiate a deep-seated clarity.

2. Some people find hypnotherapy and past life regression therapy very helpful. That way you can face certain aspects that need your attention on your internal screen and then decide how best to work with it. No matter what it is, remember, all experiences serve a purpose and will add to your wisdom and maturity as a soul once they are healed and integrated. Always, investigate your unresolved past life data wearing your student-of-life hat. Being stuck in victim or violator conscience will slow down your healing process.

3. Are you familiar with the psychological exercise of working with your inner child?
Basically, you play the part of the parent to yourself when you have childhood trauma and emotions surface, so that you don’t have to react from that place to the world around you.
The same approach and idea can be adopted to work with fragmented soul pieces.
When you feel like something within you is being triggered that goes beyond your now-persona, tune in to yourself and see what kind of aspect of self is acting out. Ask to be shown a visual and establish communication with that aspect of self.
See what it wants and needs for healing and what it has to say. When these soul-aspects are healed, they tend to merge with the rest of self and lose their specific characteristics. That’s the integration work of the soul. Like drops of water ceasing to be individuals when they hit the surface of a lake or the ocean.
All soul pieces are on their way back home in order to merge with all of you.
It is the job of the healing process to facilitate this process.

4. Pay attention to your judgments. Anything and anyone that we have a strong response to most likely points to some unresolved past life file. There is a good chance that you have played the part of the people that you judge the most harshly.
Internalizing and meditating on these feelings instead of projecting them outwards can be a helpful tool to alchemize deep-seated unaligned soul currents.
You know that you have completed the process when you can look at the same situation that you formerly judged with neutrality and compassion.

Enjoy the journey and remember that darkness is the absence of light.
Allow yourself to fulfill your divine destiny by embracing all of you and standing in your truth.
Everyone is welcomed home, no matter how messy the journey has been.
You’ll see in the end it’s all good!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Develop you Intuition continued: Get your Ego out of the Way!

Most intuitive mistakes are made when you want to be right or you are too emotionally attached to the outcome.
Learning to get your ego out of the way and being honest with yourself when you are not neutral enough to get an accurate read are important steps to develop your intuition.

So, if you have successfully completed step one and you are paying attention to your intuitive impulses, it’s important to build the muscle of trusting your intuition.
How do you learn to trust your intuition? You have enough probable cases where your intuition was right.
Now, if we don’t troubleshoot and we don’t distinguish between internal impulses that are truly intuitive versus strong desires and we throw all internal data into the same boat, it can easily lead to us distrusting our intuition because we will have evidence that we weren’t shown the truth.

Here are some examples:

1. You fall head over heels in love with someone and decide that that person is the ONE. You tell your friends that you intuitively KNOW that there will be a happily ever after.
Then comes the rude awakening:
a) The person doesn’t return your feelings and there is no relationship this life.
b) A relationship progresses but that person turns out to be a real disappointment.
Your conclusion: I can’t trust my intuition.
Not so, when something like that happens, troubleshoot in order to avoid making the same mistake again in the future. How desperate were you to find somebody when that person showed up? Did you project onto them? Did they lead you on?
Did they fit an ego profile of yours i.e. had the right look, the right job, the right family background etc? Were there any red flags or intuitive impulses that you ignored because you didn’t want them to be true? Add questions here as necessary depending on your situation.
Answering all these questions truthfully will help you strengthen your ability to have stronger discernment in the next situation.

2. You are rooting for your friend/spouse/sibling to get the promotion/the new job.
You are tuning in and your INTUITION gives you a clear YES!
You tell them and then it doesn’t happen.
That person doesn’t trust your intuition anymore and neither do you.
Getting accurate information for our loved ones isn’t so easy because we want them to do well. Being strong enough to stay neutral and to predict disappointing events will not only make you unpopular because it will seem like you are against their success, but also you might be perceived like it was you who jinxed the opportunity.
Knowing when to step back and when to keep your mouth shut are equally important skills to learn when we work on developing our intuition.

3. What is your motivation for wanting intuitive information?
Sometimes, it is our fears that lead us to seek intuitive input. We want an insurance policy that everything will work out fine according to ego.
At other times, we seek to have power to influence those around us.
True divinely inspired intuition comes through a neutral observer with no personal agenda and a purity of heart.
Working on purifying your attention is an important step to getting accurate information.
Respect other’s free will and don’t enforce your point of view. This will assist in not getting tangled in unnecessary power struggles.

4. Who is communicating with you?
When we start getting information from the spirit world many of us get excited.
Use your discernment, set your intentions and ask for divine protection.
We are living in a dual reality and just because a being is in spirit form doesn’t make them automatically good or truthful. Some of them may come in a disguise of light.
If something doesn’t feel right listen to that warning. In case of doubt ask Divine Source for protection and to scan the beings that want to communicate with you.
There are plenty of divine beings that have your highest good in mind.  Sometimes, their messages aren’t as glamorous as the ones you will receive from their competitors. The beings that are of more selfish nature, will know how to entice your ego in order for you to stay in touch with them.
Again, setting clear intentions and being aware when things are not working properly are important steps to take while you are strengthening the muscle of trust and learning to be confident in your intuitive abilities.

Keep your ego in check and play with your skills. Being too rigid will limit your ability to channel. Plus, the need to be right will put too much pressure on your developing skill.

I have learned that it can also be helpful to preface a phrase by saying:
“ I got this impression that…you might want to see if that resonates for you.”
“Have you ever considered that you might be in the wrong line of work?”
Most people can hear you better when you allow them to run your input through their own system and you will have less fear of being wrong and potential fallout.
Also, people will give you feedback and you will be able to build your confidence if the information you received ended up being helpful.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Learn to Live Life in Harmony with Divine Flow!

Life works in cycles. Ebbs and flows, winter, spring, summer and fall, birth and death and as the river current surges towards the ocean there is no stopping the ever moving current of divine flow.

We are taught in our modern society to be efficient and stream lined and to aim unyieldingly towards our worldly success and accolades. I hear many people judging themselves as “lazy” and/or “failures” when their journey takes an unexpected turn or there is a delay/set-back in their plan.

Many times, our ego/ personality and our social conditioning set our plans and goals. The delays are caused by our higher selves to give us a chance to harmonize our intentions with our spiritual purpose and our hearts. It can be a purification process of sorts, urging us to slow down, re-examine, allowing us to be in step with divine timing to name some possible reasons.

About twelve years ago, I wrote a book.  I wrote it while building my coaching business, while going to acting class, while struggling with some health issues, while building a life in California. I was very ambitious and I wanted everything yesterday.
As many of you already know, I was born and raised in Germany and English is my second language.
I had a few of my friends give me feedback on the book. None of them were professional editors and since I did not have the resources to pay someone to help me and I really had no professional understanding of how the process of publishing works, I was thankful for the assistance received and deemed it sufficient.

After the third draft was completed, I set my eyes on finding a publisher.

I believe in setting intentions and smoothing the pathway, so I decided to take a “schematic” of the situation. (Schematic means taking an intuitive, energetic x-ray of a situation to determine if there are any obstacles present.)
I was shown a labyrinth on the path that I would have to find my way through before I would find a publisher.
A delay, oh no! I was not amused! I prayed for the labyrinth to be cleared and lo and behold my wish was granted and I found a publisher within a week

Happy ending? Yah, no…
Unfortunately for me (perception of self at the time), I signed the contract and the book got published. I was all gung-ho on promoting it and becoming a bestselling author when some dear friends who read the early manuscripts pointed out that the book was full of typos and some grammatical errors that made it seem very unprofessional. The publishing house had not edited it as promised and the whole thing turned out to be a bit of a scam.
I was ashamed and devastated and I aborted any efforts of marketing.
I just got my rights back and will most likely rework the manuscript at some point.
Had I gone through the labyrinth, the product quality would have been in the proper shape for a real publisher and would have probably saved me a lot of time.

Lesson learned? Sort of, but not completely.
The other day, I ended up in the void again, writers block and no real impulses.
Truth is, I was overworked and completely exhausted and I was in need of a rest.
That was, however, not in alignment with my plans and I was huffing and puffing the whole way.
Now, I intend to learn this lesson one of these days and vow to do my very best to surrender to the flow of life and to enjoy the journey a bit more even if it is not going according to my will.