Sunday, February 2, 2014

Develop you Intuition continued: Get your Ego out of the Way!

Most intuitive mistakes are made when you want to be right or you are too emotionally attached to the outcome.
Learning to get your ego out of the way and being honest with yourself when you are not neutral enough to get an accurate read are important steps to develop your intuition.

So, if you have successfully completed step one and you are paying attention to your intuitive impulses, it’s important to build the muscle of trusting your intuition.
How do you learn to trust your intuition? You have enough probable cases where your intuition was right.
Now, if we don’t troubleshoot and we don’t distinguish between internal impulses that are truly intuitive versus strong desires and we throw all internal data into the same boat, it can easily lead to us distrusting our intuition because we will have evidence that we weren’t shown the truth.

Here are some examples:

1. You fall head over heels in love with someone and decide that that person is the ONE. You tell your friends that you intuitively KNOW that there will be a happily ever after.
Then comes the rude awakening:
a) The person doesn’t return your feelings and there is no relationship this life.
b) A relationship progresses but that person turns out to be a real disappointment.
Your conclusion: I can’t trust my intuition.
Not so, when something like that happens, troubleshoot in order to avoid making the same mistake again in the future. How desperate were you to find somebody when that person showed up? Did you project onto them? Did they lead you on?
Did they fit an ego profile of yours i.e. had the right look, the right job, the right family background etc? Were there any red flags or intuitive impulses that you ignored because you didn’t want them to be true? Add questions here as necessary depending on your situation.
Answering all these questions truthfully will help you strengthen your ability to have stronger discernment in the next situation.

2. You are rooting for your friend/spouse/sibling to get the promotion/the new job.
You are tuning in and your INTUITION gives you a clear YES!
You tell them and then it doesn’t happen.
That person doesn’t trust your intuition anymore and neither do you.
Getting accurate information for our loved ones isn’t so easy because we want them to do well. Being strong enough to stay neutral and to predict disappointing events will not only make you unpopular because it will seem like you are against their success, but also you might be perceived like it was you who jinxed the opportunity.
Knowing when to step back and when to keep your mouth shut are equally important skills to learn when we work on developing our intuition.

3. What is your motivation for wanting intuitive information?
Sometimes, it is our fears that lead us to seek intuitive input. We want an insurance policy that everything will work out fine according to ego.
At other times, we seek to have power to influence those around us.
True divinely inspired intuition comes through a neutral observer with no personal agenda and a purity of heart.
Working on purifying your attention is an important step to getting accurate information.
Respect other’s free will and don’t enforce your point of view. This will assist in not getting tangled in unnecessary power struggles.

4. Who is communicating with you?
When we start getting information from the spirit world many of us get excited.
Use your discernment, set your intentions and ask for divine protection.
We are living in a dual reality and just because a being is in spirit form doesn’t make them automatically good or truthful. Some of them may come in a disguise of light.
If something doesn’t feel right listen to that warning. In case of doubt ask Divine Source for protection and to scan the beings that want to communicate with you.
There are plenty of divine beings that have your highest good in mind.  Sometimes, their messages aren’t as glamorous as the ones you will receive from their competitors. The beings that are of more selfish nature, will know how to entice your ego in order for you to stay in touch with them.
Again, setting clear intentions and being aware when things are not working properly are important steps to take while you are strengthening the muscle of trust and learning to be confident in your intuitive abilities.

Keep your ego in check and play with your skills. Being too rigid will limit your ability to channel. Plus, the need to be right will put too much pressure on your developing skill.

I have learned that it can also be helpful to preface a phrase by saying:
“ I got this impression that…you might want to see if that resonates for you.”
“Have you ever considered that you might be in the wrong line of work?”
Most people can hear you better when you allow them to run your input through their own system and you will have less fear of being wrong and potential fallout.
Also, people will give you feedback and you will be able to build your confidence if the information you received ended up being helpful.

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