Saturday, February 4, 2012

The Trojan Truth-When Loved Ones Get Hijacked

Most of you are aware, that things aren't always what they appear to be. Ideally, the soul of the person we are dealing with is properly aligned within the body and you are able to have a straightforward exchange. Unfortunately, that scenario isn't always the case and our loved ones can become Trojan horses in our lives. What does that mean?
That means that the body is used by an entity other than the soul in question (think possession) and their words and actions can be tainted. In the worst case, you might find yourself brutally attacked in an unsuspecting moment. When you look into the eyes as the windows to the soul, you will often times be aware that the expression is very different from what you are used to, when the regular soul is present. At times, it might almost go as far as in the horror movies, where the eyes turn red.
People on drugs and alcohol can easily be hijacked by entities as well as people that have experienced soul disassociation due to shock, trauma, or prolonged illness. (Soul disassociation means part of the soul leaves or disconnects from the body due to excruciating pain)
The person will be acting out of character and feel profusely guilty when they return for what was said or done through their bodies.
When you are on the receiving end of such a Trojan attack it is hard not to be vulnerable and take it personally. Your friend accuses you of being lazy and disloyal, your partner calls you ugly or your mother says that she never loved you at all.
If you give power to words you know not to be true, you allow the dark forces to win.
They have injured you and your relationship, and they make the world an unsafe place, because most people in our lives, including us, might at some point get temporally taken over by an entity.
The first practical step to take is to recognize when it is happening and to see if you can find the internal observer place within yourself and stay neutral. Remember, you are not talking to your loved one in that moment, but rather a force that doesn't mean you well.
If you notice a person gets hijacked often, see if you can determine the cause, if it is due to drugs or alcohol, an intervention might be necessary. At times, entities lodge themselves in for the long run and an exorcism might be necessary.
It is always good to work on energetic protections for self and others. Prayer, meditation and visualization can go a long way.
Also, be aware that darker forces thrive on fear, so don't freak out. Stay calm and send them love.
Keep alert, know when you are dealing with a Trojan situation and remember this is just one of many things we in counter in this school called life.

What Does It Take For You To Pay Attention?

Planet Earth as a school is in some ways like an interactive computer game. If through your actions you are in violation of your karmic contract or on the wrong path, you will get the appropriate negative feedback. These reminders can come in all different shapes and sizes. Sometimes, they come in the form of a friend expressing concern, a bone-chilling nightmare or a little thought that slowly grows into an obsession, continuously tickling your brain. At other times, you will have a gut feeling that you should change your current course or it will lead to disaster. The question is; what does it take for you to listen?
When we don't listen to the gentler nudges, we do provoke the noisier, less pleasant wake-up calls in the form of illness, accidents or big losses in our lives. Some of us have to hit rock bottom in order to change our ways.
I used to be very stubborn and not yield easily, once I had decided on a specific trajectory.
Thirteen years ago, I got myself into some serious trouble and ended up in bed with viral pneumonia for six months. It took me another three years to fully recover my health.
In retrospect, I had to face how many warning signs I had chosen to ignore.
In my stubbornness, I held on to a relationship that I knew wasn't healthy for me. I overstayed for at least four years. During that same time I was going to school, I worked too much, played in a band and allowed my ambitions to run the show, I chose to ignore my physical limitations and any sign of exhaustion.
Well Ego, time to swallow some dust!
These days, I listen to the quiet wake-up calls and am a lot swifter at adjusting my course when necessary.
Discipline and stubbornness can be great allies in reaching certain goals, but be honest with your self, when they are nothing more than glorified ego messenger and executers.
Internally we have a choice to pay attention or to plow ahead.
I have learned that pacing your self oftentimes is the wiser choice when it comes to long-term strategies.
Pay attention and learn to cooperate with the greater flow of the Universe and you might be in for a less bumpy ride.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

What Are You Feeding Your Hungry Ghost?

I am borrowing the term 'Hungry Ghost' lightly from the Buddhist Tradition. It refers to the aspect(s) of self that believe/demand to be fed by external circumstances. This is supported by the notion that once you have been provided enough 'food', the hunger will go away. The ghost could go after everything from money, to attention, to fame, to material goods, to education, to love etc.
The problem with these soul aspects is that their hunger can never be fulfilled through an external source and, if entertained, can lead to much distress and dissatisfaction in one's life.
It is crucial to recognize these parts for what they are 'hungry ghosts'.
That is always the first step.
I used to feed mine moves. Geographic moves, that is, believing that if I found just the right location, my life would be that much cooler. I allowed myself 17 moves in 10 years, before I realized that I kept recreating similar circumstances wherever I went.
 I finally turned the camera inward to really create the changes I was after. (I know, can anybody say heavy on the wire, slow study, only took me 10 years to figure that one out!? Well, more reason to work on patience, compassion and forgiveness!)
The second step is to determine what gave birth to the 'ghost'?
Usually soul aspects that can't be satisfied by anything that is happening in the present are suffering from past trauma and are still waiting for a past wrong to be righted, which is impossible, since it already happened. Usually, these aspects feel victimized by what happened to them, which means they need to review the trauma through the student of life lens. (Also read posts 'Becoming A Student Of Life', 'The Only Way Out Is In', 'Practicing For Enlightenment')
It is important to find a way of making peace with the trauma and healing it from the inside. As long as you give your power away to external circumstances, events and people will ultimately fall short in their performance, which can lead to a lot of conflict in relationships.
Also, be aware when you are dealing with the demands of 'hungry ghosts' in your loved ones, because no matter what you do, you won't be able to get it right. I have seen that lead to abusive patterns, which ultimately bring most relationships to their knees.
Saying no to the demands, and opening a dialogue might lead to healing or a break-up, but as Buddha said:
"If you can't find suitable companions for the journey, it is better to travel alone!"

Autopilot Reset

There are many moments in our lives when we operate on autopilot.
You see a homeless person; you give them some coins. Someone cuts you off; road rage follows. It's your birthday; you have a piece of cake. Guests are coming; you clean up your house. Fill in the blanks for yourself. What are the things you always do in response to something? Now take a moment to consider some of the situations that you respond to on autopilot. If we want to reset our autopilot, we first have to become aware that it is in place.
Meditation practice is about building awareness and learning to be present. Every moment is different therefore it deserves specific attention.
What I am asking you to do is question your automated responses.
Then challenge them. Ask yourself, is this really the best way to respond?  Be aware in the moment so you can tap into your intuition and see if a different reaction might feel more appropriate.
Find breaks throughout your day when you can practice.  If you do take a different course of action, be aware of how you feel afterwards. We all have a bell of truth within, that let's us know, if we are on the right path. Tune into that and strive for alignment with your higher self  in all of your actions.
For instance, when you just automatically give to any homeless person you come across, you disregard the fact that every homeless person has a different karmic history. Some of them might be better off if you pray for them, or the Universe might have you give one person $50 instead of giving one hundred 50 cents each.
This exercise is about learning to be present and in the flow, because what is right in one instant might be more destructive than you think in another moment.
What if you find new ways of celebrating, sharing, dealing with your anger and living life?
Autopilots do tend to become rigid restraints on our reality where we don't make room for the small adventures and every day miracles.
Go ahead and try it, you might have some fun.