Thursday, November 22, 2012

Clearing Manual

OK, let's talk about clearing, energy clearing that is.
(I suggest reading the posts "Protection Manual" and "How do you pray?" in addition to this one).
Before you get started with any clearing, make sure you are properly protected.
There are many circumstances when an energy clearing might be useful or necessary.
Every item, person, location and situation has the potential for a healthy, well-protected aura (energy field that surrounds/emits from a person, object etc.)
A clearing becomes necessary when that energy field is compromised.

There are different invading forces that can disturb the energetic balance:
1. Trauma
2. Taking on/absorbing negative energy from the environment (read post "Stop being a psychic Sponge")
3. Curses (read post "Enchantment and Curses Now and Then")
4. Negative Entity attachments
5. Negative emotions and self-inflicted blockages
6. Other

Items that might need clearing:
1. Home, office, land etc
2. People, animals and plants
3. Self
4. Objects (books, art pieces, furniture), rocks etc.

The first step in clearing is to determine what it is you are dealing with.
You are establishing a diagnosis, the more accurate your ability to diagnose the better you will be equipped to map out a proper strategy for a clearing.
(If you are unable to work this first step, I suggest sending out a heartfelt prayer for help and/or getting professional help!)
Within this post I will give you a couple examples of how to clear things, but by no means is it meant to represent a full set of tools that might be necessary in situations you encounter.

You will ask Divine Spirit/God plus any personal guides/angels/masters/saints that you are working with for the following:
(Make it a heartfelt prayer and be as clear as you can be within your request)
"I ask Divine Spirit/God to please clear/heal myself/this space/my friend/this situation/relationship from the trauma/negative energy/curse/entity in all time and all space with anything that it has caused and created and send back any negative energies/entities to their proper place in the Universe and return all truthful soul energies to me/situation/space from all time and all space healed, transformed and purified and reintegrate them. Thank you!"

This is a good way of asking for a clearing. A simple clearing is easily accomplished this way.
Some circumstances however are a bit trickier because the clearing is multi-layered.
Let's say you want to help to clear a friend who has been surrounded by negative energies and feels depressed. You are using all the tools you have and nothing happens. Why might that be?
Well, let's say for example your friend has a deep seated guilt issue and he/she feels the need for punishment, that guilt has the power to override any clearing attempt you make.
If this is the case, the guilt needs to be cleared first and your friend will have to do some self-forgiveness work before any clearing attempt on your part would be successful.
Another reason a person might not be open to a clearing is if the item/energy to be cleared gives them power/comfort or is used to solicit negative attention.

Use discernment! If it is self you are dealing with, have the courage to be brutally honest with yourself, maybe it is time to change your mind. If you are dealing with someone else, maybe you have to let go of the attempt to clear him or her for the time being and respect his or her free will.
A very common reason that a space clearing seemingly doesn't work is when you are dealing with an open door to a lower frequency dimension. As you clear things more negative energy keeps pushing through and therefore might create the illusion that nothing was cleared. Mirrors, at times, come with open dimension doors and some black magic rituals open them to support the curses. In that case, add to the healing/clearing prayer:
"Please close any dimension doors to the lower realms in all time and all space and transform and purify any energies that leaked out in all time and all space and send them back to their proper place in the Universe."
Then continue your regular clearing.

Another way of doing clearings is to run white light and love energy through a space, or use the chakra meditation to run it through self. (Remember darkness is the absence of light, therefore this offers a powerful solution, especially if you are not quite clear what it is you are clearing).

Here are some additional tools that can be helpful in situations when a clearing is necessary:
1. Flower Essences (read related post)
I suggest 'Golden Armor', 'Pennyroyal', 'Watch your Back', 'Violet Transmuting Flame Violet' (ask for the meditation that it comes with) from Green Hope Farm plus any additional ones that fit your situation (go to their common concerns page on the website)
2. Aromatherapy works well especially Lavender, Lemon, Palo Santo and Frankincense support the clearing and protection process (make sure to select organic brands, I love the company "Floracopeia" (check out their "Spirit Blend") and note that some companies have special cleansing and protective blends available).
An addition to any cleansing ritual is the burning of sage (a native American tradition), which is very useful.
3. Music and sounds can offer another helpful energy to be added to your toolbox
(Gongs, crystal bowls, as well as any music that you feel strengthens you can be added; trust your instincts)
4. Taking baths in salt water is also useful
5. Create a sacred space. Light white candles, set up an altar, clean your space physically and have uplifting art and images around (read post "The Importance of Art and Objects in Your Life")

Some things are more difficult to clear than others.
As always, use your own discernment, this is an outline of possible tools and clearing is a huge topic. Be flexible to integrate other tools and to get outside help if you should need it.
God bless and good luck to all of you on your Journey!


  1. Thanks for this post Nicole,
    I was just about to ask you questions about clearing. I spend a lot of time at a friend's place that had always had a heavy energy around it but in the last couple months, paranormal activity picked up very sharply, it was becoming a real issue.
    We asked someone we trust what to do and they said to sage the whole place, then sprinkle tobacco around the house, and pray to the four directions and place tobacco in the four directions. We did this and the moment we completed the tobacco circle, my friend saw a dark figure, it darted and I saw it too, and some quail freaked out and flew off. He saw more figures, and we went inside, it really felt like we'd opened a hornets nest, there were lots of spirits moving. He got very sick with a migraine and I did energy work on him for a while. The energy seemed to calm down aound the place and definitely felt more clear.

    I was hoping that had taken care of everything. It's a place that had a bad history, people were murdered there, the guy who built it in the 70's had a lot of enemies.

    But, my friend who lives there said he still heard footsteps up the stairs when he was alone and also saw the dark figure again.

    Honesty I feel a little over my head in this situation. I won't get a chance to be at the place for a few weeks, but I will try again with some of your suggestions. I think the first round did clear a lot, just not everything. It was pretty freaky but also exciting to see that what we did produced results.

    Thanks again for posting this...

  2. Thanks so much for the post, Nicole! It's very helpful!
