Sunday, August 17, 2014

How to Use Movies for KSI Purposes?

KSI (Karmic Soul Investigation) techniques use our everyday day reactions to life situations as clues and patterns that can lead us to information regarding our soul’s history.
Movies are an excellent way to practice KSI from the comfort of your living room.

Here is how it works:
There are plenty of psychological studies that reveal that a large portion of our mind is subconscious. That means a lot of data concerning self is not readily available to your brain. It is, however, present. My personal experience is that under the right circumstances and with the right investigative techniques, many of us are able to discover hidden and forgotten memories through the use of external triggers. Subconscious information is brought to our awareness. All we have to do is pay attention, ask the right questions and learn how to connect the dots.
It is useful to observe self over longer periods of time to establish what indeed is a soul pattern. We all have more emotional days when a movie might get to us but that is easily explained through your surface circumstances. Soul data tends to be more intense and reoccur every time you are exposed to i.e.17th century Britain or China.

Movies have the power to expose us to a large range of frequencies. We can jump around the timeline and have all different kind of stories, characters, situations and endings available at the push of a button.
Now, think back in your own experience, I bet there are certain types of movies you LOVE watching, others you HATE, those that ALWAYS make you cry, the ones that fill you with tremendous hope, fear or joy and then there are those that are just a bit blah. Part of it certainly has to do with the quality of the movie; the other part has to do with you.

Here are some good KSI questions to ask yourself:
1. What movies make you most emotional? Our emotional bodies often respond to past life memories before our mental bodies do, therefore, it is important to pay attention to strong emotions like fear, grief, desperation, anger, joy, hope, etc.
Take your time and figure out if you can see a pattern either in regards to a country and time period or a specific theme/storyline like abandonment as a child, loss of a great love, guilt over betrayal, self-righteous anger towards a certain group of people etc.

2. What movies do you most love? What movies do you most dislike? 

3. Are there any movies that you could watch over and over again? What is it about this movie that you can’t get enough of?

4. Are there any characters in movies that you feel like are telling a part of your story? Who are they? What about them feels familiar to you?

5. Are there any characters in movies that you judge harshly? What about them specifically pushes your button? If you, in a past life, played that part or you were the victim of someone like that, can you forgive the events at this point in time?
If the answer is yes, do so. If it’s a no, ask yourself what might have been the lesson of such an event, looking at it from a soul educational point of view. What do you need in order to allow for something like this to heal in your timeline?

As always, feel free to add appropriate questions.
If you are an older soul that has started waking up, you know that there are things about you that do not make sense in the context of this lifetime.
Some emotions and old wounds run very deep and when they get triggered you might feel like a tsunami got unleashed, even though your outside reality might be pretty stable at the moment.

As I said earlier, movies are a great tool because we can be exposed to certain frequencies in minutes. Trust that what feels familiar holds valuable information for you. The same goes for certain types of music, aromas, artwork etc.
When we start tapping into past life memories and information regarding our soul history, we’ll always get a sense of recognition and familiarity. If something doesn’t resonate as truth, do not believe it at any cost. As you get to know yourself better, you will notice that things that didn’t make sense at first will keep repeating and finding you until you are ready face them.
Things that we have no resonance with will either not catch our interest or we will view it as neutral observers.
In the beginning of practicing KSI with movies really take the time to explore and observe yourself.

Don’t let your ego get in the way.
If something seems too glamorous but you want it to be your memory, I would use some caution.  Therefore, don’t attempt to place importance where there is none. That is your ego talking.  An authentic past life memory will be multi-facetted, just like your current life. It contains the highs as well as the lows of that experience and you will be able to relate to the struggles and pains as well as the love and joy.
Take a castle for example, the soul that has lived there, will not only remember the parties and the luxury but also the cold, damp castle walls in the winter, the loneliness and isolation, the intrigue and gossip, the boredom etc.

The main reason we do look back, in my opinion, is to help heal aspects of self that are still suffering until every part as self is properly reintegrated into the self NOW.
What I have noticed for myself, working with KSI for many years, is that movies that used to push my buttons in the past no longer do.
The storyline has been healed to where I am able to watch the movie as a neutral observer.
That is one of the many ways you can test if an issue has been healed.
For those of you that are already more intuitive, a movie might have the power to open the door to your past memories.

Play with the clues. That is how you will stay most fluid in your exploration. If we jump to conclusions too quickly, we run the risk of not being open to see the bigger picture.
Have fun and if you don’t feel like practicing KSI while watching movies, don’t!
It’s always a good time to exercise your free will….

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