The way we frame our experiences and digest the details of our lives plays a huge part in if and how quickly one can heal.
Being stuck in victim mode and playing the blame game can feel good and seem rewarding, but at the end of the day one has surrendered all power to the external world. Life happens to victims with no fault of their own and zero personal responsibility. Being subjects to other people's moods and currents larger than self, there is nothing left to do, but suffer, complain, have an ongoing pity-party, or play the silent martyr.
When you look at life through the lens of one situation or life, the concept of victim and violator is alive and well. If you zoom out the camera and you look at a soul's journey, you will notice that things don't randomly happen to innocent people. There is always a karmic thread, or lesson involved that leads us to play the role of the victim. In order to heal it is helpful to work with the soul frame, therefore I invite you to view yourself as a student of life. Whenever you are hurting, or somebody wrongs you ask yourself: As a student of life, what is my lesson here? Where is my responsibility/contribution in creating these circumstances? Even if you don't come up with an immediate answer, moving out of victim conscience will allow the Universe to offer you solutions. Why? Well, for one, because you are starting to ask the right questions.