Saturday, January 25, 2014

Learn to Live Life in Harmony with Divine Flow!

Life works in cycles. Ebbs and flows, winter, spring, summer and fall, birth and death and as the river current surges towards the ocean there is no stopping the ever moving current of divine flow.

We are taught in our modern society to be efficient and stream lined and to aim unyieldingly towards our worldly success and accolades. I hear many people judging themselves as “lazy” and/or “failures” when their journey takes an unexpected turn or there is a delay/set-back in their plan.

Many times, our ego/ personality and our social conditioning set our plans and goals. The delays are caused by our higher selves to give us a chance to harmonize our intentions with our spiritual purpose and our hearts. It can be a purification process of sorts, urging us to slow down, re-examine, allowing us to be in step with divine timing to name some possible reasons.

About twelve years ago, I wrote a book.  I wrote it while building my coaching business, while going to acting class, while struggling with some health issues, while building a life in California. I was very ambitious and I wanted everything yesterday.
As many of you already know, I was born and raised in Germany and English is my second language.
I had a few of my friends give me feedback on the book. None of them were professional editors and since I did not have the resources to pay someone to help me and I really had no professional understanding of how the process of publishing works, I was thankful for the assistance received and deemed it sufficient.

After the third draft was completed, I set my eyes on finding a publisher.

I believe in setting intentions and smoothing the pathway, so I decided to take a “schematic” of the situation. (Schematic means taking an intuitive, energetic x-ray of a situation to determine if there are any obstacles present.)
I was shown a labyrinth on the path that I would have to find my way through before I would find a publisher.
A delay, oh no! I was not amused! I prayed for the labyrinth to be cleared and lo and behold my wish was granted and I found a publisher within a week

Happy ending? Yah, no…
Unfortunately for me (perception of self at the time), I signed the contract and the book got published. I was all gung-ho on promoting it and becoming a bestselling author when some dear friends who read the early manuscripts pointed out that the book was full of typos and some grammatical errors that made it seem very unprofessional. The publishing house had not edited it as promised and the whole thing turned out to be a bit of a scam.
I was ashamed and devastated and I aborted any efforts of marketing.
I just got my rights back and will most likely rework the manuscript at some point.
Had I gone through the labyrinth, the product quality would have been in the proper shape for a real publisher and would have probably saved me a lot of time.

Lesson learned? Sort of, but not completely.
The other day, I ended up in the void again, writers block and no real impulses.
Truth is, I was overworked and completely exhausted and I was in need of a rest.
That was, however, not in alignment with my plans and I was huffing and puffing the whole way.
Now, I intend to learn this lesson one of these days and vow to do my very best to surrender to the flow of life and to enjoy the journey a bit more even if it is not going according to my will.