Saturday, December 22, 2012

My favorite word: Interesting

How many times a day do you find yourself judging yourself, others and the circumstances around you? I can’t believe I just said that, how horrible. Did you hear about xyz buying the house, isn’t that wonderful? Her mother passed away, how sad. I just ate the whole cake by myself; I am such a pig. Did you see the way these people were dressed, how ridiculous.

A few years ago I realized that I couldn’t control my hyper chatty mind commenting on everything all day long. The judgments were a distraction in seeing things, people and myself with compassion and enough neutrality to allow healing, change, evolution or at least peaceful coexistence. Looking to change this habit Spirit suggested to respond to the world by saying ‘interesting’.  And this is what I have been practicing ever since. Did you hear that so and so really doesn’t like you? Interesting, I wonder what is really going on.   My back is hurting. Interesting, I wonder what the reason is. I feel really uncomfortable with this invitation. Interesting, is there something to work through or is my system telling me not to go.

As you can see in these examples one can create some space around the situation to allow room for examination and flexibility, while the judgment could guilt you into auto-piloted behavior.
Go ahead give it a try!

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