Sunday, January 29, 2012

Autopilot Reset

There are many moments in our lives when we operate on autopilot.
You see a homeless person; you give them some coins. Someone cuts you off; road rage follows. It's your birthday; you have a piece of cake. Guests are coming; you clean up your house. Fill in the blanks for yourself. What are the things you always do in response to something? Now take a moment to consider some of the situations that you respond to on autopilot. If we want to reset our autopilot, we first have to become aware that it is in place.
Meditation practice is about building awareness and learning to be present. Every moment is different therefore it deserves specific attention.
What I am asking you to do is question your automated responses.
Then challenge them. Ask yourself, is this really the best way to respond?  Be aware in the moment so you can tap into your intuition and see if a different reaction might feel more appropriate.
Find breaks throughout your day when you can practice.  If you do take a different course of action, be aware of how you feel afterwards. We all have a bell of truth within, that let's us know, if we are on the right path. Tune into that and strive for alignment with your higher self  in all of your actions.
For instance, when you just automatically give to any homeless person you come across, you disregard the fact that every homeless person has a different karmic history. Some of them might be better off if you pray for them, or the Universe might have you give one person $50 instead of giving one hundred 50 cents each.
This exercise is about learning to be present and in the flow, because what is right in one instant might be more destructive than you think in another moment.
What if you find new ways of celebrating, sharing, dealing with your anger and living life?
Autopilots do tend to become rigid restraints on our reality where we don't make room for the small adventures and every day miracles.
Go ahead and try it, you might have some fun.

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