Sunday, November 27, 2011

Good Luck With Your Karma, Buddy!

You know those moments when some 'dingelberry' really gets to you. For me it is usually the big Egos, that are treating the world as their entourage and are willing to give little in return, that do push my buttons. It is frustrating and annoying and you either don't know how to respond at all in that instant, or you might say things you later regret.
Personally, I made a choice a few years ago to not get sucked in anymore. And let me tell you, it was a purely selfish choice, for I realized that I gave way too much power to people and situations that I had absolutely no control over.

Here is my current strategy:
1. I check myself (read additional posts 'The Gauges' and 'Being A Student Of Life'); if I react it is my lesson in some way.
2. Kill 'em with kindness. I refuse to be an over reactive chameleon to other people's negative emotions, therefore I choose to be extremely friendly even in the face of rudeness.
3. And last, but not least I will send them off by thinking extremely loud:
"God bless you with your karma, Buddy!" And I have to say it feels good to no longer carry the notion that it is my duty to be ‘The Law’!

Just to deal with the things that are in my jurisdiction is hard enough. I choose to leave the rest up to Divine Source and the wonderful ‘Laws of Karma’, where justice will always be done eventually and everyone has a chance to learn and redeem themselves at some point in time.

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