Friday, November 30, 2012

Practicing For Enlightenment

Life is about lessons and evolution. All the people around you, including you are little, future Buddhas in training. Sometimes we are on seemingly huge detours, but let’s just consider this, if we are practicing for enlightenment, what kind of skills do we need?

Well for starters our hearts will have to evolve to a place of unconditional love, forgiveness and compassion. If you translate that into a lesson plan we need to alchemize arrogance, judgment, discrimination, revenge etc. Here are some examples of how a soul might choose to do that:

  1. If you were really rich one lifetime, feeling superior to poor people, your soul might sign you up for a few lifetimes of poverty in order for you to overcome that stigma, to train your heart to see the essence of people, instead of judging only their costumes.
  2. If you were very racist in one lifetime, you might find yourself part of that race in the future, or you might be the 'victim' of racism in order to grow beyond those beliefs.
  3. At times we sign up with souls to 'wrong' us for we want to test our ability to forgive.(Sometimes those lessons backfire and we end up in Centuries long revenge matches 'he had it coming'.)
  4. I would never be a corrupt politician; those kind of superior statements are another good way to karmicly draw yourself into the exact position you despise in order to develop compassion for the souls around you.

It is not always comfortable or clear to the ego/personality why we ended up in the circumstances we did, my suggestion is to meditate on what your soul might be learning towards enlightenment, there is always a teaching and I find that I surrender a lot better, when I have a clue of what it is.

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