Saturday, October 15, 2011

Dress Your Soul Not Your Ego

Most people I have worked with myself included, have chronic weak spots also referred to as Achilles-heel lessons. These are the ones that can get very tedious, for it might take a lot of time and application, to change the symptomatic patterns.

One of my weak spots has been to make peace with worldly/physical-manifested things. I used to be a real spiritual snob rejecting everything that was too dense and superficial and visible to the naked eye. That was certainly a very interesting evolutionary phase, that caused a lot of problems i.e. an eating disorder (the soul should be light as a feather), depression (feeling trapped in an unsuited reality), feeling misunderstood by my human peers who dared to superficially enjoy worldly matters etc. As you can imagine, I wasn’t a very happy camper. One day while meditating I was shown this image of everything being part of divine creation, including physical reality. A wave of shame and embarrassment surged through my system ultimately prompting me to come up with some exercises to make peace with manifested reality.

One of my favorites is called ‘dress your soul, not your ego’. Every morning I meditate on what the soul feels like (color, fabrics, look) wearing that day, another creative way of self-expression.  It has been a lot of fun and at times it provides clues about aspects of self, past lives lived, that might have gone unnoticed otherwise.
Here are some steps to see what your soul might want to wear:

1. Approach it as a game, to make it safe give yourself permission to reject any outfit you channel for yourself.
2. Meditate:
a) in general on outfits that fit your soul frequency, even if they include items you don't have in your closet yet
b) on the specific outfit for the day/occasion
Here are some clues what to pursue. Is your soul looking for comfort? Do you want to increase/decrease brightness in colors, feminine/masculine expression? What colors speak to you? Are you expressing your creativity, sensitivity, humor and individuality through your clothes? Do you feel drawn to the fashion of other eras/cultures? If yes, find ways to incorporate them into your wardrobe today.
Do you have clothes in your closet that don't resonate with you? If so, have the courage to let them go otherwise you'll feel insecure every time you wear them.
c) Play dress up and observe your emotions. When you look in the mirror you should have a sense of looking at your real self, not you pretending to fit into a certain part of society.
d) Remember that one doesn't have to loose ones soul expression, while still being dressed appropriate for an occasion, individual expression can be added to any style.
e) Some of your soul's suggestions might seem scary or far out in the beginning, again have fun with it, and examine where the discomfort stems from? Then integrate items as you are ready to show the world your true self.

1 comment:

  1. Clever way to begin the day!!

    All this time I have been going in public with a naked soul:(

    This is one of those OMG moments of 'why did I not think of this' ???
