Sunday, January 20, 2013

Learn To Detect Undercurrents!

For those of you who are not familiar with the term undercurrents here is a quick definition: It’s a current below the upper currents or surface in a body of water for example.
Let’s use this analogy to examine efforts we make in life.

If you are swimming in the ocean, it may seem like a perfectly nice day for swimming, however, an undercurrent has the power to pull you in a totally different direction than you are aiming for (let’s hope you have good enough karma to have a lifeguard present should that ever happen!).

Now, at times, we observe fellow travelers (or ourselves) who despite their greatest efforts to swim in a certain direction, always get thrown off course. This misdirection can show up in the form of a failed business, where despite proper education and marketing, the bottom line wasn’t met. 
Or a person looking for love finds himself/herself spending another holiday season alone, even though he/she made himself/herself available, went on dates, gave people a chance. After all, they are nice and attractive and nobody can quite figure out why it hasn’t happened for them yet.

If you find a case like this or similar it is almost certain that you are dealing with an undercurrent. The reason that the goal isn’t reached cannot be found on the surface and the more one swims against that current the more frustrating and depleting it becomes.

What happens if you determine that you are dealing with an undercurrent?
Stop! Just take a break for a moment and reevaluate your situation.
That doesn’t mean you give up on your goal. It only means you are giving yourself permission to troubleshoot and understand what is really going on.

Psychological studies have found that a large portion of our minds and behavior patterns are run by the subconscious. So don’t be surprised, if at times, aspects of self are not on board with your personality decisions.
Fear after a painful break-up might create an undercurrent, even though it looks like you are ready to get back out there.
Guilt can be a strong force that prevents success in areas that should work just fine.
Or maybe you’re carrying some other blockages with you that are pulling you off course.

Don’t despair! Awareness is the key, once you realize that you are up against a hidden force, you are half way to the finish line of figuring out what it is. Ask the right questions, use your intuition, pay attention to your dreams or try hypnotherapy. There are always a multitude of pathways to unlock hidden secrets and drag them from the subconscious into the light.
Be smart, have stamina, hold on to your faith because the answers are coming. You have set the process in motion by detecting the undercurrent and asking the right questions!

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