Sunday, January 13, 2013

Are You Getting Your Daily Soul Vitamins?

Many of you are aware that the physical body needs certain nutrients to function properly. As educated members of modern society most of you, to various degrees, will provide your body with the necessary supplements and will react quickly to any signs of deficiency.

Now, let me ask you this:
Are you paying equal attention to your energetic bodies and soul needs? That’s right, our souls are equally dependent on getting life affirming nutrients as our physical bodies are.
So, how can you assure that your soul gets what it needs?

Step one:
Find out what supplements your energy body!
Here is a list of common activities that can fit the bill. As you read it, pay attention to which items resonate with you on a deep level. The stronger the craving, the more depleted your system is in that particular area.

1.    Walks in nature (be specific, what kind of nature do you envision? Ocean, forest, mountain…allow your intuition to fill in the blanks)
2.    Quiet time during the day, meaning, you give yourself permission to let the world go by. No texting, emailing, phone calls, no Internet, no music or other virtual distractions and no interactions with fellow human beings. You are too busy to make this happen? How about ten minutes here or there? Maybe, use your time in the shower or on your way to work? You can make it happen if this is the nutrient your soul needs.
3.    Spending special time with loved ones. The soul thrives on love exchange, so do create the space in your daily life to interact, celebrate and appreciate the people and beings (i.e. furry friends) in one hundred and one creative ways.
4.    What I have always wanted to do…is how the soul expresses its needs in reoccurring desires. This could be anything from taking a painting or a cooking class, daily journaling, skydiving, or a journey to a specific geographic location. Again, listen to yourself! What have you always wanted to do and not made the time for. If your dreams are above your current budget, find ways to supplement the experience. Let’s say you have always wanted to go to Thailand. Until you actually get there, seek out local experiences that expose you to Thai culture and frequency (art, movies, cuisine, music etc.).  
5.    Music, movies and books can be a source of soul vitamins.
6.    Are you making soul-honoring choices in business, friendships and daily routines?
7.     What’s your motivation when it comes to workouts and hobbies? The atmosphere we create for ourselves has a huge impact in whether our soul gets its proper nourishment or not. Any task performed with joy, fun while taking ones daily energy into consideration will be much healthier approach than one of iron fist discipline and a lack of compassion for daily biorhythms.
8.    Are you making enough time for your spiritual practice?

These are, as always, just some examples of areas in life that can hold soul nutrients. Feel free to add on for yourself as needed.
Do supplement your soul often and as needed.
Otherwise, you run the risk of developing some deficiency symptoms which could include everything from a general feeling of blah, to some forms of mild depression, annoyance, disenchantment with life, a sense of being unfulfilled, boredom, lack of life force and the loss of soul sparkles and charisma.
So make sure to get your daily dose of soul supplements today!   

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