Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Got Your Fire Drill Ready?

Some of the hazards of soul evolution and healing processes are emotional meltdowns, explosive eruptions of karmic, unresolved layers, states of utter confusion and repetitive identity crises. Every time we are confronted by the activation of one of these hazards, Some of the hazards of soul evolution and healing processes are emotional meltdowns, we have the choice to either be prepared, or have it spill into our current lives and possibly do some damage to our primary relationships and life circumstances.
One thing is for sure, if you have embarked on the spiritual journey and you haven't reached a state of enlightenment yet, I can guarantee you, the next meltdown is just around the corner. Therefore it does make sense to be prepared and have your fire drill ready, because once you are caught in an emotional tsunami, you probably won't think of anything clever to do.

Here are some suggestions for a fire drill (consider them and then be creative and tailor make your own as you see fitting):

1. Take some Rescue Remedy Bach Flower Essences (read section on flower essences, if you are not familiar with them).
2. Remind yourself and your loved ones that you are processing some old/ancient stuff which has nothing to do with now. Avoid projections! (Read section on light and shadow projections)
3. Go for a walk, or engage in some other physical exercise, to disperse some of the energies that are flooding the emotional body.
4. Sit quietly and pray. Remind yourself that you are not your thoughts, nor your emotions. Find the observer self and breathe through the pain. The good news is that if you are dealing with an old trauma resurfacing is:
a) It's past, so the worst is over.
b) You are ready to deal with it and you have the necessary tools.
5. Remind yourself that you are here as a student of life, not a victim! So no more than limited pity-parties allowed.
6. Eliminate numbing choices, which will only lead to spiritual Groundhog Day! Might as well get it over with!
7. Visualize your Angel wrapping you in his/her wings and cocooning you in divine love.
8. Writing can be a good outlet to gain clarity in. One exercise I like works as follows. Write down the question with your right hand (i.e. "what is going on right now?" "What is the nature of this latest upset?" "What are my current lessons involved in this situation?"). Then switch the pen to your left hand and write down the answers. This is a very helpful way to connect to the right side of your brain, which has more direct access to your intuition and sub-conscience.

As I said, these are just some possible suggestions of tools that can be helpful for your fire drill.
Test them, try different combos and see what works for you.
The most important thing is to have one and to face the process a bit more prepared.
And don't forget to have some fun!

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