Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Explore Your Soul Brand!

A lot of clients I work with are stuck in the habit of attempting to fulfill their social script. What does that look like you may wonder? Well, every sentence that starts with:
"At my age I should…start a family, have figured out my career, have x amount of $ in my account, have invested in a house etc" These statements indicate a soul who is looking to fit into the social blue print of how a life should unfold. For some people that works well because their soul script matches their social script. Under these circumstances there is no problem, you can move right along in your planning. It becomes tricky when our soul desires do not match the external expectations. We might find ourselves caught between a rock and a hard place, especially when we are in the habit of people pleasing. This can lead to us getting married to the next best person and settle into a situation just because the biological clock is ticking. 
Or we might stay in a career that pays more, because at our age it is not OK to start over. Fast forward a few years and we'll probably have to face a divorce, health issues, a lay-off or some other disruption? Why? Well, it's because the soul always finds a way to enforce its plan eventually.

In order to avoid a train wreck, I'd like to introduce the idea of soul branding.
Imagine that each individual life has a form of purpose/lesson plan/ business blue print that is chosen by your soul. The same way you would brand a company because you can't be all things at once, so you need definition, the soul creates a brand identity that supports the lessons/objectives of each lifetime.
I.e. the choice of having children or not, will have a major impact on your brand. If you choose to have them due to social conventions, you might have to forfeit a soul project, because the time investment is so high. So let's say, you don't get to go on your ten years global travel adventure, if you are unaware, you might feel depressed and extremely resentful towards your family, because you'd experience them as a major blockage in your life's fulfillment.
Look at your life in all of its aspects (health, career, hobbies, relationship, finances, etc) like a pie chart and meditate on how much importance your soul puts on each slice.

 Play a game and imagine that nobody will be upset with you, when you acknowledge your truth and there will be all necessary financial support to create a successful soul brand manifestation. Once you have come up with a picture of your soul's vision for this life, compare it with your current reality. When and where do you give power away to outside/social circumstances? In which areas are you ready to take steps in order to get into better alignment with your soul? What do these concrete steps look like?
Remember, we are here to practice for enlightenment. It's OK if you are not there yet.
But do yourself a favor and learn from your choices and circumstances. There is always room for improvement and the more clarity you gain to where you are going the easier it is to come up with a game plan to manifest more of your soul brand.

Avoid creating negative karma by punishing the people around you for choices you have made. Stay dignified and gracious in your actions and don't forget: it's all good!  Even the most annoying mistakes and detours lead to growth, wisdom and compassion.

1 comment:

  1. Nicole, I absolutely love this entry. Thanks for sharing it. What are some concrete ideas that you could share as to how to tell what your soul truly wants?
