Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Secret About The Ability To Manifest


I have had a lot of people come to sessions feeling defeated and like total failures, because their manifestation exercises and attempts remained fruitless, barely daring to ask the question, "why didn’t it work for me, but it did for my friend?"
Here is a little reminder for everyone:
There are no two Karmic contracts alike and all contracts have very specific clauses regarding lessons that the soul chooses to learn within each lifetime. Obviously the lessons the soul selects are often times not what the ego wishes to manifest. If the soul's and the ego's desires are not matched up, the contract the soul has in place will override all ego attempts. Keep that in mind when working on manifestations in your life.
(Also read the posts 'What is your motivation?' and 'Discernment-every contract is different')

Here are a few concrete examples:

  1. A person looks to manifest a family and children and yet finds him/herself chronically single. If we look at the soul contract we might find:
A) A clause that states that no family shall be manifested in the present life in order to work on independence, flexibility and self-love.
B) To find a sense of family beyond the borders of a tribe.
C) To pay off a karmic debt for not appreciating a family in the past.
 These are just a few possible scenarios.

  1. Somebody who wishes to manifest greater financial abundance but who finds barely enough to get by and struggles despite great efforts.
Here are some possible reasons why a soul might choose this lesson:
A) It has decided to break a pattern of over identification with material goods,
B) There might be an active vow of poverty in place from a former life as a monk.
C) The person might be paying a karmic debt for having cheated somebody in business affairs.

 These are obviously only a few possible reasons, but the ones given are to shed some light on the subject.

      3.Another popular goal is for people to lose weight. Some reasons they might not have let go of it yet are: 
      A) The weight is carried for protection and the soul hasn’t figured out a different way to feel safe yet
        (i.e. response to sexual or physical abuse)
     B) The soul might have starved in a past-life and that trauma causes a continuous sense of hunger. 
       On the surface it looks like a lack of restraint, because the trauma is needing to get healed first.
     C) Somebody who absorbs too much negative energy from the environment might hold it in form of access weight. The weight will be kept in place until the energie is released and he/she learns to keep better boundaries.

As you can see, all these examples are reasons why the soul would forfeit the instant gratification of certain manifestations. Remember you are here to learn and evolve. My suggestion is, if you find yourself stuck in a certain area of your life despite great efforts, meditate on what your soul contract/lessons are.
In my experience it becomes easier to change the situation at hand, or to live with what is with more peace, if one has the understanding of why it got stuck in the first place.
This is certainly a big topic, but I do hope that this post was able to shed some light on it.   

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