Sunday, October 30, 2011

Beginners Mind

One of the important tools for healing and change is the ability to investigate our own internal landscape. When we carry rigid beliefs or concepts in any arena we are not able to perceive things/self/others as they truly are, hindering the necessary alchemical process/understanding/healing to occur.

One of the games I play with myself is called beginners mind. I will show up for meetings with people I have strong opinions about, or meditate on aspects of self/reality that I find difficult and pretend I know nothing about them.
It is almost like being in acting class and you find that place to pretend i.e. that you have never seen your mother before. How does she seem to you as a person that day, without all the projections from the past?

Oftentimes pieces of information, or aspects of the person formerly invisible make themselves known. Remember that none of us ever has the full picture of anyone or anything, not even ourselves. Therefore it is good to show up for life at times with beginners mind.

It is a way of changing the camera angles and reminding yourself that there is a bigger picture and a perspective that you haven't explored yet. It is up to you as the camera operator to get the different shots and to practice your inner flexibility.

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