Sunday, June 30, 2013

Thank You, E-Infancy and Some Personal Info!

Thank you everyone for reading my blog and to all of you that have given me feedback in the form of comments online and in person! Your support has kept me going and I wanted you to know that it is much appreciated.
 Also, thank you for passing it along via Facebook and other channels to other souls that might find the information useful. When it comes to the appropriate e-protocol, I am still an infant (actively working on getting out of diapers).                   
 So, please excuse anything that is missing like my personal profile. I am currently working on my website and hope it’ll be launched before the end of the year.
 In the mean time, I’d like to share one of my creative trial versions of my bio that I wrote.
I hope this fills a bit of the gap for now and stay tuned for more original posts coming soon!

 Here it is:

I love trees, the smell of the earth and the wind on my face.
I love a hot nice cup of tea with a dash of cream.
I love Rock’n Roll,
I love quiet contemplation in the middle of a noisy day, exploring the mysteries of life and human nature.
I love a good sense of humor, people that don’t take themselves too seriously and I love “LOVE” in any form.
I love soul twinkles in people’s eyes, heartfelt smiles and random acts of kindness.
I love animals and nature.
I am inspired to witness healing and growth in my self and others.
I believe that people can change, that we can learn and evolve, even if it takes a few centuries.
I am inspired by forgiveness, the strength of the human heart and second chances.
I love to watch great movies; any genre other than Horror… as long as it has a good story.
I love being practical and inventive.
In my free time, I love to read suspense thrillers and family sagas, the more epic the better.
I live for long uninterrupted, multi-faceted conversations with friends and fellow travelers.
I do get overwhelmed at times, by crowds, big productions and modern day life. It all can be a bit noisy.
I do seek balance between ancient, spiritual and modern, practical reality.
I look for the divine spark in everything.
I appreciate beauty in the least likely places.
I get confused and intrigued by the paradox of life.
What makes me get out of bed in the morning is my curiosity… and to be able to help others help themselves.
I strive to have the courage to be my best self every day. I seek the balance between self-acceptance and self-improvement. I aim to love what is and to conceive of what is possible.
I love: untangling complicated knots, never giving-up yet having the wisdom to surrender.
I am still working on expanding to find more patience with myself, and this thing called life.
I challenge myself to approach life with a beginner’s mind; I look at the world like I have never seen it before while allowing myself to use my accumulated ancient soul knowledge. I am fully aware that today might be the day when the infinite mystery of life is going to surprise me with something completely different.
I believe that we all make sense, no matter how many unknown variables there are within the calculation.
Life is a treasure hunt- I have been given some very cool clues, yet many things are still hidden from my view.
I am no prophet, no saint and no guru. I am just a karmically challenged soul that is in the process of self-healing and has discovered some useful, practical tools (helpful for some, certainly not everyone).
I love life and I have made peace with my journey.
I harvest the pearls from the challenges and the pain.
I believe everything is forgivable which doesn’t mean we don’t have to pay a karmic price for our crimes.
I like to think outside the box when it blocks my view.
 I believe in using the right tools in the right situations.
I use discernment in life and stay aware of the force field between divinely inspired miracles and human limitations.
I am aware of being work in progress and I am excited about that.
I am a student of life…


  1. Thanks for sharing about yourself, I love who you are!

  2. Thanks for sharing, Nicole! I love you! :)
