Monday, March 18, 2013

Develop Your Intuition I: Pay Attention

As you have probably noticed by now, life on planet earth can be pretty confusing and complex at times, to say the least.
How do we navigate in a sea filled with experts, opinions, questions, issues, egos, divine inspiration and self trying to stay centered and aligned?
Since everyone’s journey, karma, soul, biochemistry and divine blueprint are as unique as a fingerprint; the only reliable gauge is a well-developed intuition to help us discern what’s best for our highest -good on a case-by-case basis.
Therefore, I have decided to write a series of posts dedicated to this topic.
The first step: you have to learn to pay attention!

Intuitive hits come in many different forms.
Here are a few examples:

1. The gut feeling is very common: You are about to make a decision and all of a sudden you feel like someone punched you in the stomach. You might feel nauseous, upset, your muscles tighten, and rain clouds overshadow your usually sunny disposition.  If other people are involved, you might choose to dismiss this gut reaction and allow your head to take over.
“Don’t be silly, difficult, disappointing, weird, childish, unkind and push through, you promised,” said the head.
Who do you listen to usually, your gut or your head? How is that working for you?
If you tend to listen to your head, go back to some of these situations and see how that worked out for you.
Most people need some concrete examples to prove to themselves that their gut tends to be right before they find the strength to follow its guidance, even in the face of opposition.

2.The little voice in your head that tends to be quiet in comparison to the booming one of the ego, is another way intuition manifests. It takes some practice to master paying attention to this aspect of self. The question I find many people having in regards to this is:
“How do I know what’s my intuition and what I am making up?”

Some clues are:

a) Intuition tends to be drama free in it’s delivery of information. If you are overly emotional and/or have a strong attachment to the outcome of a situation, there is a high chance that your intuition is compromised.

b) The little voice usually shows up unexpected and is quite clear in it’s message.
If you haven’t developed your intuition yet, these messages tend to be short and precise in nature and only get expanded once we start paying attention.

c) In order to build trust, pay attention and match it up with reality, even if the process takes a few months. Let’s say you got the information that your sister is going to have a baby girl that you will be very close to, maybe you won’t find out immediately, but eventually you will.
When you do find out, remember what the voice feels and sounds like, after ten confirmed situations or so, you will notice that it has a very specific signature and feel to it which will make it easier to trust it over time.

3. Dreams are, for some people, the gateway that their subconscious uses to send messages. The key here is to recognize the intuitive dream frequency vs. other type of dreams. You will notice a distinct difference in your perception i.e. in colors, textures, a sense of being awake and present in the dream, waking up with a jolt, remembering the dream with more clarity, a knowing that what you were shown is important.
If dreams are a strong portal for you I suggest studying a bit of dream analysis and symbols in order to get more proficient in understanding the language of your subconscious.

4. The internal bell of truth is a gauge that many old souls have available.
Here is how it works:
You hear or read something and you know immediately if it resonates as true or false. Most people, including myself, voice it as:
“Not sure why but I know it’s true,” or “ that doesn’t ring true,” or “there are parts of this essay that don’t work for me, but the rest is great and I will use it.”
Usually, the bell of truth helps to discern quickly but requires more additional work if you want to explore a subject matter deeper.

5. Visions are another avenue through which we might receive intuitive information.
There are internal visions and external visions. Here is the distinction:

a) Internal visions are similar to the little voice in your head, only instead of words the information comes through images.
You might get a preview to a future event i.e. see the insight of a house you will live in, which college your son will go to, a business you will work for or a scene you will share with a future partner.
At other times, it might be a premonition in regards to an illness, the death of a loved one or the loss of a job.
(This aspect is a bit harder to digest because we usually don’t want to see ‘negative’ events for loved ones and ourselves. How to deal with that will be discussed in a future post on intuition).
Internal visions can also be symbolic in nature (i.e. colors, diagrams, geometric shapes and ancient symbols) in which case I suggest to study symbolism, numerology and the meaning of colors in order to be able to decipher the messages.

b) External visions can come in many different forms. Many people who have this gift find themselves catching flashes of bright light from the corner of their eyes, or multi-colored orbs that appear and then quickly disappear when you focus on them.
This also can translate itself in to perceiving shadows in a room or a fellow travelers aura.
If that aspect of the intuition is more developed you might be able to see ghosts, energy vortices or a scene of an era long gone emerge in front of your eyes if you were to visit some ancient, historical sight.
Many people that have this specific gift are afraid that they are crazy.
To me, the difference between being crazy and intuitive is quite simple.
If you are picking up on truthful aspects of reality (and the energetic world is a big part of it) you are not crazy but extremely lucky and gifted.
People that project their delusions onto the world around them aren’t doing so well. One of the telltale signs is that they are incapable of relating to the world around them and they are no longer aware that being able to perceive energetic visually isn’t the norm.

These are some common examples of how intuition expresses itself. Some people have access to all of the above forms and for others only one or two of the items may apply. You also might need to add on to the list because your intuition has found other creative forms to catch your attention.
Either way, there is no right or wrong way, nor is there a better or worse way.
The important thing for you to figure out is how your intuition works and to start paying attention to it.
The better you get at this first step, the easier it will be to develop your intuition further and to make good use of it as you navigate the exciting adventures and confusing waters of your soul’s earthly journey.
To be continued…

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