Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Caught Somewhere Between Fate And Free Will

Ah, the age-old question of what the future might bring keeps returning throughout our journeys.
 Fueled by our insecurities and our inability to stay fully present in the "Now" we all wander off into the land of the future at times. We imagine, hope and wish for our dreams to be fulfilled, that we are blessed with what we are lacking in the Now, that a burden is lifted, a pain healed, a lesson learned, a disaster averted and a question answered. I have realized an interesting observation; there appears to be two very distinct teams in the future treasure hunting department.

The first is a group of souls that is fully resigned to fate. Their questions sound like this:
1.What am I meant to do?
2. When will I get married?
3. How many children will I have?
4. Where will I live?
5. What should I do in regards to this situation?
6. Which profession am I meant to have?
7. Etc.

The other group is so convinced of their free will that they feel like they just have to pray and manifest hard enough to get the life they want.
Their questions and statements sound like this:
1.What else do I have to do to attract the right partner?
I have already done xyz and it's still not happening, but I know I am so close.
2. What other blockages do I need to release within myself in order to manifest more financial abundance?
3. How many more times do I have to repeat the same mantra/affirmation to get what I want?

Here is my take on the topic:
I certainly don't think that the future is set in stone. The level of freedom to co-create a soul has in each life varies from lifetime to lifetime.
For some souls, it's a bit like taking a ride on a train. The fate aspect dictates the station you get on, the stations you will stop at and the station that will be your final stop. It also determines whom you share the ride with. You however have free will on how you spend your time on the train. Who do you socialize with? How much time do you spend sleeping, eating, meditating or educating yourself? What's your attitude like? Are you at peace with your fate or do you threaten your fellow passengers every five minutes that you've had it and that you will be jumping out of the window?
Furthermore, I believe that the way we conduct ourselves on the train ride we're on will influence future lives and realities.
Let's call these behavioral consequences karma. The more negative karma we have the less we might be able to enjoy co-creative freedom in our future.

Other souls journey might be more of a road trip than a train ride. They have their own car and can travel wherever they wish to go, as long as there is a road, gas and other necessary resources available. These types of lives that carry more freedom aren't necessary more pleasurable. At times, souls freeze and become paralyzed in their actions in the face of all the possible choices. It does take a mature soul that has gained great clarity to navigate these waters; otherwise you might end up with a lot less movement than the people on the train.

When you want to gain clarity on your status in this life, it is important to gain some understanding of the spiritual contract your soul made. Another interesting resource could be your astrological chart (if you know your exact time of birth - make sure to find a skilled practitioner though to avoid additional confusion!).

Things you will find in your spiritual contract are:
1. Lessons you want to learn this life.
2. Potential relationships and their function
3. Talents and challenges
4. Potential professions
5. Financial and material support/abundance
6. Health
7. Social/cultural backdrop
8. Spiritual awareness

Now, any of the items above could be strictly defined by the soul or kept flexible, which means you'd have more co-creative power while you are alive. The ones that are pre-determined will feel like they are fated while the rest aren't a solid reality yet.
Most of us are stuck somewhere between fate and free will. It is important to work with and surrender to the elements that we can't change and to have fun and be creative with the ones that are waiting for our input.
How do you know the difference?

Most of you will have an element of intuition in regards to the elements that are fated:
1. Deja-vu experiences
2. Dreams or a sense of a meeting or change in your life
3. A Feeling like a force of nature is moving through your reality and you didn't solicit it consciously.
If you are asked to co-create you might find yourself:
1. Feeling a bit confused
2. Insecure as what to pick
3. Too many choices that all look good
4. Life feels stuck until you give your input
5. Excited, running from opportunity to opportunity, yet nothing sticks

Wherever you are on the spectrum between fate and free will, enjoy it, know it will change and rest assured that it is perfect for your experience and evolution right now!


  1. Your post today touched me, as my son is going through a deep, dark place, beyond questions to negating his own body. As part of his soul path, I am seeking to support him, and would like to know how you might be contacted for consultation. Thank you.
    David dsonn22@gmail.com

    1. Hi David! Thank you for your comment. I did sent you an email. Please leave another note here in case you didn't receive it.
      Blessings to you and your son, Nicole
