Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Make Peace With Your True Nature

So, here is a big one for all of us. First of all, congratulations to all of you who have already mastered this step! And may we be blessed with a lot of encouragement and dedication for all of us who are still working on it (maybe this lifetime will be the one?!). 

The name of the game is making peace with your true nature when creation is filled with bigger, brighter and different souls that it'll make your head spin. As you probably have noticed by know, just because we all share human costumes, doesn't mean we share the same soul heritage. Therefore the differences we are confronted with on a daily basis are huge (read posts on soulism and who are you competing with?).

 But no matter who surrounds us, it is our job to confidently embrace our true nature, manifest divine light through our vessel and maximize our true potential the best that we can, instead of staying stuck in an insecurity loop for everything we are not. Remember, Divine Source knew what he/she was doing even if you haven't gotten the memo yet!

One of the games I like to play on my journey to full self-acceptance is: I picture myself and the people around me as different animal species, different plant species, as sci-fi characters and as mystical/fairy tale creatures. It helps me to put things into perspective because it is easy to see that a deer isn't better or worse than a dolphin, a lotus flower isn't superior or inferior to an oak tree as a matter of fact it is clear that it isn't even fair to compare them for they are so different. If you take these examples ask your self:
Who am I in this story? What are my talents? What is my job/purpose and how can I maximize my potential?

The answers you'll receive might reveal your role this life, or if you already have an expanded awareness you might be able to tune into the larger picture version.
Either way, I want to encourage you to work on it and to maximize your potential, for you are unique and no accident. 

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