Saturday, March 3, 2012

Be Aware Of Soulism

Soulism is a word I made up. If you think of racism and sexism i.e. you can see that the term refers to prejudices towards specific souls or soul-groups other than our own.
A lot of old souls have managed to get beyond judging people based on gender, religion, race and economic backgrounds. Why? Because they have spent too much time playing different parts throughout history to give that kind of weight of judgment to somebody's costume (a.k.a. outside form/body/ circumstances). We can recognize our fellow travelers and soul mates by one gaze across a crowded room and catch up where we left off.

Now, the same way we easily embrace the souls we love, there might be a tendency to reject other souls.
Catch yourself in statements or internal judgments:
"This soul/person is so unevolved/dark/one dimensional/weird."
"Strange/unfamiliar frequency."
"Wow, what a young soul, there goes the neighborhood."
"Where did these guys come from?"
"What was God thinking? Truly strange creation."
"I am ok with them, as long as they don't sit next to me."

As you can see there are plenty examples when we intuitively reject the unfamiliar.
Remember, we are here among other things to learn unconditional love. When you find yourself caught up in soulism, try to shift it into curiosity and acceptance.

So you might say:
"Interesting, this soul's frequency makes me uncomfortable, let me investigate a little further."
"I wonder what that soul could teach me?"
"Do you want to sit next to me?" (I remember what it felt like when I was new here!)
As it has benefited you to overcome some of the other '-isms', this one will also be worth your while tackling!

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