Monday, January 23, 2012

Who Are You Competing With?

It is in most people's nature to compare and to compete. Many times we compete with siblings, peers, people that have chosen the same profession or sport. At times, we compete souls we recognize from the past and who we have determined to be equals in some fashion.
Now if you zoom out the camera you can see that there is no equal starting line (also read "Discernment Every Contract Is Different"). Everybody has a different astrological chart, a different karmic contract, different DNA and different ways to responding to the challenges at hand. As an old soul it might be time to leave the playing field of competition behind and start to focus on doing the best that you can by being motivated from the heart. As long as you attach your ego to a comparative outcome, you will be stuck in an endless cycle of winning and losing while your self -esteem goes on a rollercoaster ride that might last centuries.
"I won! I am worthy! Oh no, I lost! I don't deserve, but maybe next time…got to win!"
Are you ready to bow out of the competitions in your life and to bless your competitors on their journey? Are you ready to let them have the last trophy and be thankful for everything you have learned while competing?
If you are, you might be a big step closer to peace and acceptance of your true self.
If you are not, never mind, there are still plenty of wonderful lessons to be learned, while competing, just remember it's not the end game.

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