Thursday, October 24, 2013

And the Karmic Wheel Goes Round and Round, Round and Round!

Picture a wheel! From the center you can see multiple spokes going out, the outer rim is perfectly round and the points along the outer rim are equidistant from the center hub.

Now, imagine that the center point represents your soul in its totality beyond the parts you have played in any lifetime and the points on the outer rim are all the lifetimes that you have lived on planet earth. The different lives are like costumes you put on in order to learn through different experiences. All these characters you have played served a purpose. If we zoom in we can see the time you played the monk and we can see the time when you took on the form of the corrupt businessman. We see the life when your physical beauty dazzled and we also see the time when nobody wanted to be around you because you were disfigured.

We observe you as a world class athlete as well as the time when you could barely put one foot in front of the other as you make your way to an unknown destination in an endless trail of war refugees.
All these lifetimes are equally important to the soul’s evolution. When we reach a state of enlightenment, we will be centered in the middle of the wheel and the importance of the costumes will fade and we will walk away from all the lessons lived as wiser, more compassionate souls.
Until we get to that place, most of us become over identified with the outside of the wheel because we favor certain parts over others.

Some of us love to play the spiritual parts including the monks, the yogis, the prophets, the healers, the preachers etc. We are less concerned with worldly possessions and favor spiritual power to worldly power. When we have to play parts that are very physical or where we all of a sudden have to deal with a lot of material abundance and worldly power, we will be severely uncomfortable and try to get back to a role where we feel more identified. During these times, our consciousness and ego are hanging on to the outside of the karmic wheel, which keeps going round and round. 
We subject ourselves to a lot of suffering because we are required to take part in all of the classrooms sooner or later.
An enlightened being is capable of playing any designated role in an enlightened manner. There is no character that is always “bad”, au contraire; all parts have an enlightened version available.

Other souls are more engrossed with worldly power and fame. These souls can get so hooked onto playing kings and queens, the richest person in the land or being famous inventors and artists that they develop soul addictions. Every time they are not in the desired position they will suffer tremendously and do anything to get their next fix. Souls that suffer from what I call a “Royal Complex” will want to turn everyone in their environment into personal servants or have them play a part in their entourage.

No matter where you fall on the spectrum, sooner or later we all need to learn to surrender and to return to the center of our karmic wheel (unless you are still enjoying the roller coaster, of course).
Determine for yourself which roles and parts on the earth game you value above all else. Then look at the ones that you feel are the most meaningless because these are important to integrate as well. We need to make peace with all aspects of ourselves in order to make our way back to the center of our karmic wheel.

Remember, there are no small or insignificant parts only in our perception.
Meditate on things you have learned in moments that seemed less important and embrace all experiences you have ever had.
Because the karmic wheel goes round and round and it is up to you if you are spinning on the outside rim or if you are resting well balanced in the center!